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WoW TCG Writers Strategy Articles

WoW TCG writers

Below is a list of the WoW TCG writers that you will find at Daily Metagame. These are our staff writers, and they regularly contribute to Daily Metagame on a bi-weekly basis. There is a basic summary of each one of the WoW TCG writers on this page. To see a more detailed biography of the WoW TCG writers, as well as a list of their articles and additional photographs of them at WoW TCG events, click on their image to be taken to their biography page.
Kirk Buckendorf

Kirk Buckendorf

Kirk Buckendorf wishes he was a better player than he is. Maybe it's just the company that he keeps, but he seems to lose quite often when drafting with friends every Thursday night. What he does bring to the table is an overall love for board and card games of all kinds and the ability to find and fix grammatical errors. 

Kyle McGinty

Kyle McGinty

Kyle McGinty is a tournament mainstay in the Tanaris region. He playtests in Southern California with players such as Corey Burkhart, and he had his first breakout performance with a top 8 finish at the 2011 North American Continental Championship.

Oliver Gehrmann

Oliver Gehrmann

Oliver Gehrmann has been deeply involved with the WoW TCG's European community. He has written for multiple websites, and was also part of Europe's event coverage team for a number of years. When he began playing again after leaving Upper Deck, he finished in 2nd at DMF Amsterdam.

Sean Batt

Sean Batt

Sean Batt is a WoW TCG player from Florida with a love for the game on every level. When he's not tweaking people's WoW TCG decks for his Deck Clinic column, he can be found making banter with his friends and special guests on the A Question of Gluttony podcast.

Team Rampage

Team Rampage is a large group of players in the Southeast Asian WoW TCG community. Combined, they have multiple top finishes at Southeast Asian events, including wins at multiple Realm Championships and the 2009 Southeast Asia Continental Championships. The Team Rampage column at Daily Metagame will feature thoughts and opinions from the various members of the team.

Marcin Filipowicz

Marcin Filipowicz is a veteran gamer, one of the breakout players from 2011, and a representative for WoW TCG Poland. His recent finishes include a win at DMF Poznan and a top 4 finish with Krzysztof Morzyc and Maciej Fojt as part of at the WoW TCG World Cup.

Andrew Trebing

Andrew Trebing is a regular Darkmoon Faire competitor, having Top 8ed multiple events across the years. Most recently he finished in 4th place at the 2010 North American Continental Championship. Andrew can be found locally in northern New Jersey where he recently graduated with a psychology degree in order to accomplish two things: improving his bluffing skills and tricking the top players into giving him their decklists.

Robert Swarowski

Robert Swarowski is a WOW TCG Darkmoon Faire Champion and long time card game specialist. With wins in both a Magic the Gathering Grand Prix and a Spoils Championship, Rob has had success across multiple games. Considered a limited specialist, recently Rob Top 8ed Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles and can be found traveling the Darkmoon Faire circuit across the United States.

Cynthia Hall

Cynthia Hall is a product specialist for Apotheosis Agency who works closely with Cryptozoic to demo and promote the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. She delights in long prowls on the beach with her Spectral Tiger, Spectral Kitten, and Spectral Boyfri – erm, her boyfriend. When not hard at work keeping the TCG classy, she produces wearable armor set replicas for fun and profit.

Tim Rivera

Tim Rivera is one of the most recognizable faces from the Las Vegas WoW TCG community, and is considered to be one of the best limited players in the world. He has multiple top 8 finishes at high-level events over the years, including a win at DMF Los Angeles in 2008. He also has back-to-back top 8 finishes at the 2009 and 2010 North American Continental Championships, with a win in the 2010 event in his hometown of Las Vegas.


Mike Rosenberg

Mike Rosenberg has been involved in the gaming industry since 2004, and has been involved in nearly every aspect of the WoW TCG since its launch in 2006. He has reached 2nd day competition for multiple high-level events, worked as a tournament organizer and judge for the Tanaris region, and has been a writer and blogger in the community since the first set was released.

Brad Watson

Brad Watson is one of the most consistent players in the WoW TCG's tournament circuit. He is a former player of the year and National champion, has won multiple DMF main events, and has seen Sunday play at multiple World Championship events. His latest finishes include top 16 at the 2010 North American Continental Championship and a top 4 finish at the 2010 World Championship

Corey Burkhart

Corey Burkhart is one of the most recognizable faces from the Southern California WoW TCG community. He has placed high in multiple large-scale events, and his consistent play earned him a win at the 2009 North American Continental Championship event. He went on to place in the top 8 again in the 2010 NACC. Corey and his play group from 4-Color Fantasies holds both the season 4 and season 5 titles for the Tanaris Realm Championship.

William Postlethwait

William “BillyP” Postlethwait is a professional gamer who has been winning high-level gaming events for years. His successful finishes did not stop in the WoW TCG, which he proved by winning the 2009 World Championship in Texas. He followed this up with a top 2 finish at DMF Las Vegas in 2009, as well as a top 2 finish in the 2010 North American Continental Championship.

Aric Jack

Aric Jack is the self-proclaimed “mouthpiece” of Tucson WoW, one of the largest and most supportive groups for weekly Battlegrounds in the United States. He and the regulars at their local game store in Tucson, Arizona have been a shining example of the Cryptozoic Volunteer program in action, and they have taken their enthusiasm and excitement for the game to the many WoW TCG events that they have played at and worked at.

Jack Fejer

Jack Fejer has been a consistent mainstay in the WoW TCG writing community. He has been playing the game, doing tournament coverage, and writing for various sites in the community since 2006. He is also one of the biggest voices for the United Kingdom in the WoW TCG, and has been working on his own website and community for the UK, Zapped Giants, since the start of the game.

Chris Reilkoff

Chris “Jedion” Reilkoff is currently the top rated Canadian player in the game, and one of the primary deck builders for Team East Coast. He has numerous good finishes at high-level WoW TCG events, including a top 8 finish at DMF Seattle. His recent finishes include 10th place at the 2010 North American Continental Championship, where he piloted the now well-known Zorak'tul Control deck.

Phillip Martin


Phillip Martin has been playing the WoW TCG for years, and has become an active member in the Las Vegas WoW TCG community in early 2010. He has multiple high-level finishes to his name, including a top 8 at the 2009 World Championship and a win at DMF Indy in 2009. He is also actively involved in the online community with his writing for the game, and he has been one of the commentators during the GGslive tournament coverage in 2009 and 2010.


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