Contributors → Kyle McGinty
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Kyle McGinty

Kyle McGinty is a tournament mainstay in the Tanaris region. He playtests in Southern California with players such as Corey Burkhart, and he had his first breakout performance with a top 8 finish at the 2011 North American Continental Championship.

Recent Articles

Deck Building Diaries: Boundless Joy

Kyle McGinty takes you on a Rogue's Journey.

Deck Building Diaries: Total Evidence Theory

Kyle delves into some game theory today with a look at total evidence theory, and how it applies to the WoW TCG.

Deck Building Diaries: Old Habits Die Hard

Kyle discusses the power of Harmonize in this week's Deck Building Diaries.

Deck Building Diaries: DMF Los Angeles

Building blocks has undergone a face-lift. Kyle debuts his newly titled Deck Building Diaries column with a look at the process behind his deck for DMF LA.

Building Blocks: Building a Monster

Kyle discusses the strengths of cards like Frost Nova and other anti-attack cards in the current Core Constructed format.

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