WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Players go down some different trains of thought in this week's Pick by Pick. What would you have chosen?
Corey looks into a new variation on the Blue Hunter deck. Yertle over Tesla? Sign me up!
What do you choose in the face of a mediocre pack? That's a question some of our drafters have to face in this week's edition of Pick by Pick.
By: Aric Jack
Aric talks all on his lonesome this time about a few things: his German doppelganger, the last RCQ in Tucson, and the upcoming St. Louis 3k tournament.
Some of the packs in today's Pick by Pick contain a mixture of Monsters to split the drafter's decisions. Who goes with what?
By: Sean Batt
Sean Batt may be taking a hiatus from his Deck Clinic, but he's leaving this column behind with a detailed explanation of what went into each deck he wrote about!
Corey revisits his Shaman aggro deck, but this time, ports the deck over to Mage. How does it fare in comparison?
Looking for more first pick goodness? How about some first pick choices between solid green dudes or bomb-worthy blue ones?
By: Aric Jack
Aric gives a tour of the new Amazing Discoveries in Arizona! And of course, there's a little trash-talk and some discussion on recent tournaments in the area.
Mike posts some of his Core decklists in his final article for Daily Metagame.

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