Contributors → Corey Burkhart
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Corey Burkhart is one of the most recognizable faces from the Southern California WoW TCG community. He has placed high in multiple large-scale events, and his consistent play earned him a win at the 2009 North American Continental Championship event. He went on to place in the top 8 again in the 2010 NACC. Corey and his play group from 4-Color Fantasies holds both the season 4 and season 5 titles for the Tanaris Realm Championship.

Recent Articles

Corey's Corner: Molten Aggression

Corey revisits his Shaman aggro deck, but this time, ports the deck over to Mage. How does it fare in comparison?

Corey's Corner: Good Old Rock

Corey looks at Solo Warrior, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.

Corey's Corner: DMF Wrap-Up

Corey talks about his DMF LA experiences. As an added bonus, he also shares a quirky new Core deck he's been working on.

Corey's Corner: The Crown Held High

Corey takes a look at the potential power of the Mage with Crown of the Heavens cards.

Corey's Corner: A DMF Los Angeles Primer

This week, Corey goes over 5 decks that you should be prepared to see at Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles.



Corey Burkhart
Corey Burkhart
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