WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Advertise with Daily Metagame

Interested in advertising on Daily Metagame? Look no further!

Daily Metagame is a website dedicated to the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Visitors here will find articles, decklists, and discussion from some of the top names in the game ranging from professional gamers and their thoughts on new sets to interviews with people involved in the creation of the game.

As a website dedicated to bringing its visitors high-quality content on a daily basis, we receive plenty of return traffic. Our brand, Daily Metagame, is backed by players and volunteers, making us an authoritative voice in the community. Our Metagame LLC staff has also worked with Cryptozoic Entertainment on articles and event coverage for the official WoW TCG website, and we have had regular promotions for our contests and articles featured through the official WoW TCG Facebook page and through promotion from employees at CZE.

To discuss setting on an ad campaign on Daily Metagame, email us with details on what you are advertising and what you are looking for and we will discuss details further.

Quality Requirements

Because we strive to be a high quality website that provides great content to its returning visitors, we hold ourselves to specific standards when featuring ads on this website. To advertise on Daily Metagame, you will need to follow some of these basic terms:

  • Your store, company, or product cannot deal in goods that goes against the Blizzard Entertainment terms of service for the World of Warcraft online game. That means we will not endorse or support power-leveling or gold-selling services. We take this matter very seriously, and it is why we regularly screen Google Adsense in order to block ads from these websites.

  • Stores advertising on Daily Metagame must sell WoW TCG singles and products from the latest WoW TCG expansion. Our visitors play the game, and will want to see stores that sell the latest products for the game that they play.

We enforce these terms because we support Blizzard Entertainment and Cryptozoic Entertainment as the two entities that keep the game we love running. As such, we expect advertisers on our site to do the same. The good news is that this benefits you more: we make sure that only advertisements from legitimate businesses are shown on Daily Metagame, which strengthens your brand when it is featured here. Visitors can relax knowing that the advertisers we feature on our website went through an approval process, and are involved in the products they are reading about.

Advertising Options on Daily Metagame

We offer a competitive and flexible Cost-Per-Impression (CPM) system for all of our primary advertisers. Here is how it works:

  • Decide how much you want to spend each calendar month. Your budget with us must be a minimum of $50.
  • We will run your ad, and will charge you based on the CPM system we have set up with you.
  • Once your budget runs out, your ad will be replaced by another advertiser on this website. This is done automatically, so there is no worry of being charged more than your budget.
If for some reason we do not equal your budget in CPM costs at the end of the month, you will only pay for how long your ad ran on our site.

We offer basic banner sizes that will be featured on the website when the page initially loads (above the fold). This kind of exposure lets visitors of Daily Metagame immediately see your ad for maximum exposure and a better ROI.

We will consider other forms of ads, such as Homepage Skins, Floating Ads, Video Ads, and Expandable Ads. Keep in mind that we are skeptical of running ads which we consider too invasive for our regular visitors, and we will charge more for these types of ads.

In addition, Roadblock campaigns (you take all over all ad spots) are also available but at a specific price and budget. Please contact us for more details.

Build your relationship with us now rather than later

Daily Metagame is a rapidly growing website. In its first month, we reached nearly 100,000 impressions and quickly made a name for ourselves as the premiere site for WoW TCG articles and content (source: Analytics).

By getting to work with us now, while we are still expanding, you will be building a business relationship that can be a long-lasting benefit. As our site traffic increases and our website grows further, CPM rates will go up. Advertising with us now, having a larger budget per month, and working with us in our growing state will help you secure discounts now and further down the line with your ad campaigns.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today with details of what you want for your ad campaign and we will discuss your future working with us further.

WoW TCG Singles Loots Store