Contributors → SeanBatt
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Sean Batt

Sean Batt is a WoW TCG player from Florida with a love for the game on every level. When he's not tweaking people's WoW TCG decks for his Deck Clinic column, he can be found making banter with his friends and special guests on the A Question of Gluttony podcast.

Recent Articles

The Deck Clinic: Step-By-Step

Sean Batt may be taking a hiatus from his Deck Clinic, but he's leaving this column behind with a detailed explanation of what went into each deck he wrote about!

Deck Clinic: Fel Blazer

Sean makes some adjustments to a reader-submitted Victor Baltus creation in this week's Deck Clinic.

Deck Clinic: Peace and Harmonize

Sean Batt takes on Harmonize in today's Deck Clinic with a side of combo.

Deck Clinic: In Cognito

Sean, having been snowed in with Winter Veil Disguise Kit submissions, takes a look at one backed by the power of Victor Baltus.

Deck Clinic: Jumanji!

Sean looks at a nature-heavy submission, and stumbles upon a powerful turn 2 play in his take on this Alliance Druid deck.

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