Contributors → Mike Rosenberg
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Mike Rosenberg has been involved in the gaming industry since 2004, and has been involved in nearly every aspect of the WoW TCG since its launch in 2006. He has reached 2nd day competition for multiple high-level events, worked as a tournament organizer and judge for the Tanaris region, and has been a writer and blogger in the community since the first set was released.

Recent Articles

One Last Deck Dump

Mike posts some of his Core decklists in his final article for Daily Metagame.

Core Concepts: Herald of War

Mike looks at what new tools the armor-based control decks have received in Crown of the Heavens, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.

Core Concepts: Mrgl!

Mike takes a look at a Grglmrgl rush deck with the addition of cards from Crown of the Heavens.

Core Concepts: One Last Look

Tired of hearing about Soul Swap? Don't worry. This is the last time.

The Realms Reports: Issue 2

Mike talks about some of the decklists and strategies and came in from last week's Realm Qualifiers. He also follows up on what went wrong with his Swap-Lock deck at the Costa Mesa RCQ.



Mike Rosenberg
Mike Rosenberg
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