Contributors → Robert Swarowski
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Robert Swarowski

Robert Swarowski is a WOW TCG Darkmoon Faire Champion and long time card game specialist. With wins in both a Magic the Gathering Grand Prix and a Spoils Championship, Rob has had success across multiple games. Considered a limited specialist, recently Rob Top 8ed Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles and can be found traveling the Darkmoon Faire circuit across the United States.

Recent Articles

A Look At Vegas Through The Eyes of Rob

Rob Swarowski didn't have a successful weekend, but he's still got some stories to share from the event itself, along with a few tales from draft camp.

Deconstructing Limited: Relentlessly Building pt II

Robert Swarowski takes a closer look at Jeffrey Verwoerd's sealed deck. Is Savage Raptor as good as he looks? Rob thinks so.

Deconstructing Limited: The RC Draft

Rob Swarowski may not have had a successful run at the WoW TCG Realm Championship in Seattle, but he did 3-0 his draft. Today he looks at that draft and how it went.

Deconstructing Limited: Drafting DK

Rob Swarowski takes a look at how to draft the WoW TCG Death Knight class in Worldbreaker. It also includes an assessment on Horde allies when drafting this archetype.

Deconstructing Limited: Drafting Paladin

Paladin hasn't been getting much love in Worldbreaker limited, so Rob dives in to see what the class has to offer.

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