Contributors → William Postlethwait
WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

William “BillyP” Postlethwait is a professional gamer who has been winning high-level gaming events for years. His successful finishes did not stop in the WoW TCG, which he proved by winning the 2009 World Championship in Texas. He followed this up with a top 2 finish at DMF Las Vegas in 2009, as well as a top 2 finish in the 2010 North American Continental Championship.

Recent Articles

Formatting a Plan: Hammer Time

William Postlethwait talks about the WoW card Devout Aurastone Hammer. Deck lists abusing the ally acceleration equipment are included!

Formatting a Plan: Dissecting Team Sealed

Billy takes the foil off of the brand new Team Sealed Deck format. He cracks open 12 packs of Worldbreaker and pieces together three decks. Billy went through several iterations for each build, check it out.

Formatting a Plan: Darkmoon Faire Los Angeles

BillyP did not fare as well as he did last year at DMF Las Vegas, but he still has some interesting insight regarding the new WoW TCG Worldbreaker limited format. Check out his Darkmoon Faire LA tournament report for the full scoop!

Formatting a Plan: Evolution of Shamans

William Postlethwait makes his (official) debut on Daily Metagame. When he's not busy constructing sweet allies such as Kentro Slade, he's formatting a plan. His new article series will take a look at the evolution and the preparation of a previous or upcoming Constructed format. Today, he takes a look at Ringleader Kuma and the Shaman class along with its evolutions this year in Core Constructed.



William Postlethwait
William Postlethwait
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