Brad Watson
Brad Watson was a player you couldn't avoid reading about during the first year of the WoW TCG. He smoked his way through two Darkmoon Faire Championships in the first half of 2007, and then took down the title for the 2007 U.S. National Championship. Brad Watson's success didn't stop there either. He kept going into the WoW TCG World Championship of 2007, where he finished in the top 8 there with the popular Solo Rogue deck at the time, Rotun Daggerhand.
2008 was also a successful year for the WoW TCG juggernaut. Brad Watson finished in the top spots for many of the Darkmoon Faires that he traveled to during this year. He won the first Darkmoon Faire Championship that year in Orlando, and then later took down the Darkmoon Faire Championship in New Jersey with a teched out version of the popular [“Black Ice” Fizzlefreeze] deck. Brad Watson also finished in the top 8 of the North American Continental Championship for 2008 with a Paladin Control deck.
In 2009, Brad Watson traveled with a small group of WoW TCG gamers around the world to compete in Darkmoon Faire Championships on other continents. He won one of these, finishing in 1st place at the Darkmoon Faire Championship in Sydney Australia. Brad Watson also finished in the top 8 of the Darkmoon Faire Championship in Las Vegas, which was the debut of the Wrath of the Lich King block sealed format.
Once the WoW TCG picked back up in 2010, Brad Watson continued to make his mark in the competitive WoW TCG scene. He finished in the top 16 of the 2010 North American Continental Championship in Las Vegas with a [Ring of Life] Combo deck. Watson followed that up with a stellar performance at the 2010 World Championship in Gen-Con Indianapolis, where he navigated through the field with a Slow Mage deck and some incredibly ridiculous Wrath of the Lich King Block draft decks. His finish for Worlds 2010 was in the top 4.
Outside of the WoW TCG, Brad Watson is currently studying law in Chicago. He can also be found playing pick-up games of Tichu (and losing) to various Las Vegas locals.