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The Rivera

Once upon a midnight lazy, while I tested myself crazy,
With my traitor Kil’zin hero that I cherish and adore,
I announced, almost attacking, suddenly there came a tapping,
Opponent Wind Shear casting, attacking me you are no more. ‘I cannot get through,’
I muttered, ‘tapping me just like before –
You’re at two, and nothing more.’

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
Always my allies defenders, not attacking, such a bore.
LA was bad, I made a vow, to practice long and therefore now,
Though my dreary eyelids bow, this deck still has some tricks in store.
My quick start again halted; you must’ve seen these tricks before, – ‘Play until I win
one more.’

Up at noon to start the tweaking making changes always seeking
Better Kil’zin, faster, cheaper, four-drop allies I ignore,
So that now, to stop the beating of my deck, I stood repeating, ‘Could it be Storm
Shock I’m needing, quickly run and get me four!’
An eerie echo sounds, silhouette emerging from the door; – ‘Lose you will for NACC
is Core.’

Presently my soul grew weaker; future hopes were looking bleaker, ‘Sir,’ said I, ‘you
surely saved me, your advice I do implore;
We have nothing and the fact is – back to zero, all our practice,
Quite like a modern city cactus matches mysteries of Core;
Help us?’ was my final whisper – as I ambled towards the door; –
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams of failing, dropping when I hit O-4;
But the kitchen light was broken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only words there spoken were my whispered words, ‘F**k Core!’
We shall learn this format quickly, practicing just like before,
Time to play ten games or more.

Back into the bedroom learning, all our Classic cards we’re burning,
Brand new ideas churning and novel class builds to explore.
But our decks are losing badly to Zaritha’s King V. Daddy,
Adam, Tuskarr, Voice and Pappy left me crying on the floor,
As I cried there came a rapping, tapping at the window door; – ‘Tis the wind and
nothing more!’

Open here I flung the window, all my testing now in limbo,
In there stepped a stoutly Timbo, face of tears he did ignore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, knocked our cards upon the floor –
From his bag some glowing cases, as if giving to the poor –
Sat, and stared, and nothing more.

Then this husky chap beguiling, my sad fancy into smiling,
By the gifts of cards and knowledge that his mystic case had stored,
Death Wish showed its awesome power, but the Shaman deck was scoured,
And the mighty King did tower, attacking now’s quite the chore,
So I pleaded, ‘Kill him, kill that King who solely wrecks my board!’
Quoth Rivera, ‘Shadowmourne.’