WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

DMG got a chance to talk to NekoAngel AKA IPSwich, an upcoming regular contributor to the website.
Tim Rivera talks about his DMF Philly experiences, as well as why he chose Death Knight for the event.
Tim had a chance to interview Kevin Grey, the man behind the Cerwyn's Lair 1k tournament series. We wish Kevin and everyone else much success with these, as they are nothing but good for the community and the game's health!
Tim Rivera took a revised version of his Death Wish deck for a spin in the Core side events at Gen Con. See what he learned from his experiences.
Tim Rivera shares some stories (and some matches) from his 10th place finish at NACC 2011.
Wondering how the graphing system works for the Bunny Combo deck? Look no further! Tim Rivera checks in with notes from TAWC on how to play the deck, just in time for last-minute testers going to EUCC 2011!
By: staff
Jeffrey Verwoerd gets first crack at the sealed pool for this week. Check back later this week for Tim Rivera's breakdown!
When you're trapped in Tim's draft camp, I guess there's only two things you can do: draft until your hands are bleeding, or write knock-off poems of Edgar Allen Poe. Guess which one Brad chose.
Tim Rivera takes a look at Jonathan's sealed pool from yesterday. Did he create the same deck as Jonathan did?
Not to be outdone by the Realm Championships, Tim has stories from DMF Chicago. Read more to learn about what a near death by cat avalanche is like!

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