WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Corey analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of going Priest with the Horde Aurastone Hammer shell.
Corey goes through the process of how he built the Ringleader Kuma deck that he played for the Classic Constructed portion of Worlds.
Kyle McGinty returns as head of the deck column 'Building Blocks', where he will go over concepts and designs of a deck. Today, he looks at Alliance and Horde variations on the Erunak Stonespeaker combo.
Mike fesses up to his feelings on Dagax, and talks about a Shaman deck that is maximizing its damage-potential by using the two cost Horde ally.
By: Staff
Kyle McGinty joins Daily Metagame, sharing his approach to building decks tech'ed against the current Metagame.
Without a booster draft to stand in his way, Marcin Filipowicz put his Constructed skills to use in order to claim the DMF Poznan title. Today, he talks about his matches and preparation!
Corey Burkhart begins his new series Building Blocks. This week he takes a look at two very popular Shaman Aggro Rush deck.
By: staff
James Kandziolka checks in with a little back story on the development of the Spider Solitaire deck that came out of NACC 2011.
Marcin went from a solid 9-2 record on day 1 (like a boss) to a near top 16 miss during day 2 (okay...) at EUCC 2011 this year. Check out part 1 and follow his story!
By: Sean Batt
Sean Batt returns with a look at a Shaman deck that wishes to abuse Firelands.

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