WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

By: Sean Batt
Sean takes a look at a Rogue submission that is using Steal Steel in this week's deck Clinic.
Want more decks? Then here's some more decks! Block Constructed lists for Rogue, Druid, Mage, and Paladin are inside!
Rob Swarowski didn't have a successful weekend, but he's still got some stories to share from the event itself, along with a few tales from draft camp.
By: Sean Batt
Sean takes a look at a very unique Rogue deck submission with some very interesting interactions featuring Amulet of Dull Dreaming.
Corey takes a look at the many different archetypes that were impacted by the Cataclysm block at DMF Koln.
By: staff
Jeffrey Verwoerd went undefeated in the swiss rounds at DMF Cologne with a modified version of his RC winning Vorix deck. Find out how his matches went in the Classic tournament!
Corey takes a look at the Vorix Burn deck that has been hacking and slashing its way through the Classic Constructed format recently.
By: staff
Sean Batt returns with his Deck Clinic column. This week, he takes a look at a Poison Rogue deck submitted by Jason.
By: staff
Jeffrey Verwoerd conquered his Realm Championship with an interesting Assassination Rogue deck. Find out how his games went today!
By: staff
Michael Barnes, a veteran card slinger, joined Tim Batow and his other friends at the Durotar Realm Championship. Read on for details about his top 4 finish!

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