WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Kyle discusses the power of Harmonize in this week's Deck Building Diaries.
By: Staff
David Jaques and his team from Northern California surprised everyone with a unique Druid deck at DMF LA. This is part 2 of his report!
By: staff
David Jaques and his team from Northern California surprised everyone with a unique Druid deck at DMF LA. Today, he talks about what the deck does. Check back Friday for the last half of his report!
By: Sean Batt
Sean looks at a nature-heavy submission, and stumbles upon a powerful turn 2 play in his take on this Alliance Druid deck.
Corey breaks down his and Kyle's exploration into the Attachment Druid archetype in Core Constructed.
Kyle takes a look at the Alliance Druid deck that went 6-0 during the Worlds Constructed portion, and then finds additional homes for Azure Skyrazor.
By: staff
Robert Hebert has started a video series detailing his Magic Workstation games along with what deck he is playing. Be sure to check out his Youtube channel!
Mike explores both the Alliance and the Horde versions of the Token Druid deck for Core Constructed.
Daily MetaGame reveals our exclusive Throne of Tides previews!
When it came to finding the aggressive decks for Block Constructed, Team Rampage quickly moved to Druid for one big reason.

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