WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Kyle McGinty takes you on a Rogue's Journey.
Corey looks into a new variation on the Blue Hunter deck. Yertle over Tesla? Sign me up!
By: Sean Batt
Sean Batt may be taking a hiatus from his Deck Clinic, but he's leaving this column behind with a detailed explanation of what went into each deck he wrote about!
Corey revisits his Shaman aggro deck, but this time, ports the deck over to Mage. How does it fare in comparison?
Mike posts some of his Core decklists in his final article for Daily Metagame.
By: staff
Isaac Collins, a player known online for loving anything "solo", talks about his latest brew for Rogue and how it did at his local Realm Qualifier.
By: Sean Batt
Sean makes some adjustments to a reader-submitted Victor Baltus creation in this week's Deck Clinic.
Corey looks at Solo Warrior, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.
By: Aric Jack
Aric Jack and pals chat Crown of the Heavens and the Metamart 3k in Phoenix. Hilarity ensues.
Tim brewed up a Mage deck using his vanity card for the Metamart 3k in Phoenix earlier this month. Today, he goes over the card choices and what makes the deck tick.

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