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(Note: Aric Jack will be back next week!)

Tired of seeing red all over the place? Getting sick of all this talk about [Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen] this and [Mazu'kon] that?

Relax. Breathe deep. And enjoy today's change of pace. We switch from Red to Blue with a look at an Alliance Priest deck that I've been falling in love with. Check it out!

Hero: [Tinker Priest Cassie]

Allies: 30

3 [Apprentice Teep]

4 [Magni, the Mountain King]

4 [Terina Calin]

4 [Shanla, Herald of Faith]

3 [Jerrack Krandle]

4 [Dulvar, Hand of the Light]

3 [Mekkatorque, King of the Gnomes]

3 [Jaina, Lady of Theramore]

2 [Bolvar, Highlord of Fordragon Hold]

Abilities: 10

4 [Shadow Word: Death]

3 [Twisted Mind Spike]

3 [Mind Melt]

Equipment: 12

4 [Devout Aurastone Hammer]

4 [Bottled Knowledge]

4 [Bottled Mind]

Locations: 4

4 [Fordragon Hold]

Quests: 4

4 [The Ichor of Undeath]

There are a number of things that come together to make this deck viable in the current Core Constructed format. It's really a combination of factors which can push this deck over the top. The primary factor, however, falls upon [Devout Aurastone Hammer]. I don't know if you got the message, but this card is good. It's worth getting Heirloom effects into your deck in order to reap its stacking benefits. It leads to absurd starts of turn 3 monsters, namely [Dulvar, Hand of the Light].

You may know this ally better as the epic monster alongside [Mazu'kon]. While [Mazu'kon] may be known as a very obvious powerful effect, Dulvar is more subtle in how game-warping he is. Dulvar's effect punishes an opponent for not having hard ally removal. If you're relying on damage, you'll spend a turn and multiple cards to kill him. If you rely on ally combat to control the board, you're out of luck. Dulvar is also very difficult to beat in a damage race. Ten point swings every time he connects with a hero is rough.

However, this deck can function perfectly without the Hammer, which is something many of the Erunak/Totem Shaman decks cannot do. Cards like [Jaina, Lady of Theramore] find their home in this deck. Even Bolvar gets some love as an Untargetable monster who gets you a card when he enters play. [Fordragon Hold] is very good, much like [Kor'kron Vanguard]. In fact, it is criminally undervalued, and while Bolvar is not as good as Saurfang, he is still a solid effect and can help you end games quickly.

I want to go back to Jaina though. Her synergy with bottles, namely [Bottled Knowledge], is really impressive. She comes into play, turns on an in-play [Bottled Knowledge], which also helps fill your graveyard with different card types in order to make all of your cards cheaper. Two cost Bottles get a little nuts, and the correct start can even make a turn 4 [Mind Melt] possible.

The real reason this deck thrives however, is [Shanla, Herald of Faith]. While having access to a ton of great cards like Mekkatorque, Dulvar, Fodragon hold, and Jaina is important, it is the Empower effect on Shanla that makes Priest a viable option in this format. Right now, stopping [Grand Crusader], [Aspect of the Wild], [Master Marksman], and [Blazing Elemental Totem]s are a must if you want to stay afloat in this format, and Shanla does this...all while punishing opponents that play multiple copies of these key abilities against you. Sometimes you will just steal wins against greedy opponents. Nothing feels quite like blowing up multiple [Grand Crusader]s with one three cost ally.

The discard package might seem weird in a format with [Etched Dragonbone Girdle], but the reality is that plate wearing opponents won't always have time to lean on this draw engine. Also, with 12 equipment in this deck, you will typically always have [Terina Calin] as an active answer to the Girdle, and once their draw engine is gone, any form of card advantage against them becomes key. That is where [Bottled Mind] and [Mind Melt] come into play. Both are very good at wiping an opponent's hand clean. Did I mention how back-breaking these effects are against decks without the Girdle? Four words, folks. [Mind Melt] targeting [Boomer]. Note: Boomer can also be changed out for [Tesla] or [Lordann Bloodreaver] or well, any ally you'd like to nuke.

The bottle is particularly good as a better [Mental Anguish]. Wipe out a card in their hand, and then later you can flip your hero to refill their hand for another activation of your bottle! The flip is particularly brutal against big token allies, and is a huge tempo setback with Jaina active, especially if its effect returns three cards to your opponent's hand.

[Apprentice Teep] is unexciting but pops your [Bottled Knowledge] and has an important effect in Elusive for early game control, as she dodges being attacked by heroes aided by [Kor'kron Vanguard]. Mekkatorque? I mean, c'mon. Look at how many awesome bottles you're running.

Enough card explanation. Here's a quick rundown on your matchups.

Aggro Paladin

The key cards in this matchup are [Shanla, Herald of Faith] and removal such as [Twisted Mind Spike], [Shadow Word: Death], and [Fordragon Hold]. If they don't have Girdle and you have an answer to [Grand Crusader], things get gross. If they have Girdle, get ready for the long haul. Dulvar will help you stabilize once you mitigate their main threats, and also serves as a way of punishing people for leaning too heavy on Dagax/Bottle as their late game.

Control Paladin

The other side of the coin. Instead of Shanla, you want [Terina Calin], and don't get caught without any equipment in play. If you keep their Girdle offline, this matchup is a joke. Don't walk into obvious traps and destroy their hand before they get to monsters like [Mazu'kon]. All of your allies are fairly punishing in this matchup so long as you keep their draw engine offline.

Other Plate Decks

Same plan. The matchup is a joke if you keep their draw engine offline. Redundancy with Terina/Shanla and [The Ichor of Undeath] (thanks for the reprint, Class Starters!) will leave them high and dry. One thing to look out for however is [Shockwave]. Don't let this card set you back too far, especially if they are a more aggressive Warrior deck.

Aggro Shaman/Erunak Shaman

On the draw, you need to answer a potential [Devout Aurastone Hammer] or you're toast. You'll have to grin and bear a turn 3 Erunak sometimes, but you do not want to be staring down turn 4 [Mazu'kon]. Your own hammer is a blessing if you mulligan into [Terina Calin], as turn 3 Dulvar can dish out some serious beats. Be ready to accept that some matches on the draw will be rough here. On the play, things get a lot easier as that turn goes a long way in getting you time to wipe out their board and hand.

Hunter Variants

The frightening versions of Hunter involve turn 4 [Mazu'kon]s, unsurprisingly. Alliance decks are almost certainly running [Aspect of the Wild], so early removal for [Boomer]/[Windspeaker Nuvu] are necessary, as is Shanla to shut off their ongoing. If you keep Aspect offline against the more nature-heavy decks, the matchup gets really easy. Mind Melt's ability to hit Tesla and well, most of their allies for full value goes a long way since their draw power sucks.

The Horde variations running [Breathstone-Infused Longbow] can be rough without [Terina Calin]. If they play fair and have to wait until turn 6 to start playing giants, then the matchup is pretty easy. This variation also leans on [Master Marksman] and weapons, so getting full value out of your hero's flip (say, by nailing an Avatar or Mazu'kon token) is not uncommon. Hint: returning any heirloom weapon with your flip is a beating.

Token Druid

[Fordragon Hold], removal. That's uh...all I got. This matchup can be rough if they have “that” draw. Hey, not every matchup is going to be easy.

Worlds will be underway in about 24 hours. To those of you in attendance, best of luck! To those of you following along, what are your predictions for the decks that come out on top?
