WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
By: Sean Batt
Sean Batt takes a look at some priest necromancy.
By: staff
Jonathan Lee-Mars was in Hong Kong for work during the Realm Championship, giving him the opportunity to play (and win) the Hinterlands Realm Champs that were near him!
By: staff
Wil Oats shares his experiences at the Durotar Realm Championship with you all today. See how his Katianna the Shrouded deck held up for him for the event.
Big announcement today: Team Rampage of the Philippines makes their DMG debut with a look at one of their big decks from RCQ Season, a Priest Renewal of Life deck!
Corey Burkhart takes a look back at Witch Doctor Koo'zar, and he presents a new and interesting Priest deck that combines elements of midrange Priest and aggressive Koo'zar in this week's edition of 'The Classics'.

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