WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Mike posts some of his Core decklists in his final article for Daily Metagame.
Mike looks at what new tools the armor-based control decks have received in Crown of the Heavens, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.
Mike takes a look at a Grglmrgl rush deck with the addition of cards from Crown of the Heavens.
Tired of hearing about Soul Swap? Don't worry. This is the last time.
Mike talks about Soul Swapping for fun and profit.
Mike talks about six decks he's been working on for the New Core format.
DMG is over 1 year old! Also, Mike talks a little more about Shadowfang Keep!
Mike sits down to talk about the elephant in the room in today's edition of Core Concepts.
Mike takes a look at one last Core concoction before the World Championship gets underway; an Alliance Priest deck that takes advantage of the Devout Aurastone Hammer.
Mike revisits his old Crusader Control list from October and presents a revised version of the deck.

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