WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Tim Rivera talks about his DMF Philly experiences, as well as why he chose Death Knight for the event.
Corey shares his stories from the State Championship, along with how his Paladin deck performed.
By: Sean Batt
Sean Batt takes a look at some priest necromancy.
By: staff
Forum poster contribution #2! Superawesomeman wants to share with you his result from Block Constructed testing.
By: staff
Tripp Allen takes us through his Block Constructed insights, and what led to his deck choice for State Champs.
When it came to finding the aggressive decks for Block Constructed, Team Rampage quickly moved to Druid for one big reason.
By: Staff
When one forum-goer said they could do better, Daily Metagame called. As a result, here is today's article. Hatemedude followed through on his posts, and wrote about his thoughts on Block Constructed!
Summoning Portal Alliance Warlock deck for Worldbreaker Block Constructed by Corey Burkhart.
It's that time again. Mike drops in with an assortment of Worldbreaker Block Constructed decks. Looking for a starting point into the format? Well then, here you go!
"Okay..." From near the top to a near miss of the Top 16, Marcin had a rough experience in day 2 of EUCC 2011. What went wrong? Check out his report and see what happened.

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