WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Corey looks at Solo Warrior, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.
By: staff
Dmitry explores the options available in Core for making the most out of Kentro Slade.
Mike looks at what new tools the armor-based control decks have received in Crown of the Heavens, and how it may be well positioned to do well in the current Core format.
By: Sean Batt
Sean tunes up a solo-warrior deck... well as solo as we're going to get in Core.
Michael Barnes piloted Hogger and Ulthok to a top 8 Finish in Metamart's 5k. Awesome.
By: staff
Forum poster contribution #2! Superawesomeman wants to share with you his result from Block Constructed testing.
Tim Rivera took a revised version of his Death Wish deck for a spin in the Core side events at Gen Con. See what he learned from his experiences.
By: staff
Ready for Daily Metagame's exclusive preview from the upcoming Twilight of the Dragons expansion? Feast your eyes on this epic monster...
Jack Fejer takes a look at the Boarguts Death Wish deck that Ben Isgur piloted for the World Cup weekend to great success with his USA teammates.
By: staff
Jim Fleckenstein shares his tournament experiences from WoW TCG event Darkmoon Faire Orlando. See how his unexpected Warrior deck with Recklessness performed in each round.

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