WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Mike focuses on the elephant in the room by taking a look at the Crusader Paladin deck in New Core.
Corey shares his stories from the State Championship, along with how his Paladin deck performed.
By: Staff
When one forum-goer said they could do better, Daily Metagame called. As a result, here is today's article. Hatemedude followed through on his posts, and wrote about his thoughts on Block Constructed!
By: staff
Ready for Daily Metagame's exclusive preview from the upcoming Twilight of the Dragons expansion? Feast your eyes on this epic monster...
By: staff
Skyler Thomas finished 5-1 with (wait for it) a Paladin deck at the Durotar Realm Championship. Find out how it works in part 1 of his report!
William Postlethwait talks about the WoW card Devout Aurastone Hammer. Deck lists abusing the ally acceleration equipment are included!

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