WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

By: Sean Batt
Sean's looking to kick some ass and swap some souls. And I doubt he's out of souls. Check out his revisions to the user-submitted Soul Swap deck!
By: staff
Tripp Allen takes us through his Block Constructed insights, and what led to his deck choice for State Champs.
By: staff
Stuart Wright checks in with a guest article on how he built his Jeremiah Karvok Core deck, while also discussing how you determine whether you are the beatdown or the control deck.
Summoning Portal Alliance Warlock deck for Worldbreaker Block Constructed by Corey Burkhart.
By: Sean Batt
Sean goes over a deck submission from Petr of the Czech Republic that focuses on Scourge Heroes.
Corey takes a look at the many different archetypes that were impacted by the Cataclysm block at DMF Koln.
By: staff
Dmitry is back, and while he and his Russian friends cannot play at the Classic Constructed WoW TCG tournament in DMF Cologne, he'd like to share with you one of the deck's he was planning on using.
Problem, Poland? Marcin checks in with a breakdown of his matches after his win at the Eastern Plaguelands Realm Championship.
Jack Fejer may have narrowly missed a top 8 at his Realm Championship, but he has lessons that he learned from the event which he shares in his Realm Champs tournament report.
By: Staff
Skyler Thomas is back with a look at an old Drums of War Block concept that he applies to the current Core Constructed format.

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