WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Corey shows off the fiery potential of Mage in the new Core Constructed format.
Want more decks? Then here's some more decks! Block Constructed lists for Rogue, Druid, Mage, and Paladin are inside!
Corey takes a look at going off with Azure Skyrazor in the Classic Constructed format.
Corey takes a look at the many different archetypes that were impacted by the Cataclysm block at DMF Koln.
By: staff
Sean takes a look at a Mage deck looking to get the most out of Azure Skyrazor.
By: staff
Timm Trepanier finished in the top 8 of the Durotar Realm Championship with a Nuvon Dawnfury deck. Check out what it does and how his matches played out.
By: Staff
Big Dog did the unthinkable: he did event coverage following Niles in his top 8 at the Tanaris Realm hand! Crazy. See how Niles did (and what his thoughts are) in today's report.
Corey takes a look at Loraala the Frigid in WoW TCG Classic Constructed.
By: Staff
Matt Walsh joins us on Daily Metagame with his WoW TCG tournament report from Darkmoon Faire Orlando. His deck of choice? Velindra Sepulchure control.
Tim Rivera is a man with a plan. After forcing his Alliance Mage strategy in an all Worldbreaker draft, he has some notes and feedback on the archetype.

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