WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Tim Rivera talks about his DMF Philly experiences, as well as why he chose Death Knight for the event.
By: Staff
Hatemedude can't make to DMF: Philly so he's sharing his deck of choice with the world.
By: staff
Ready for Daily Metagame's exclusive preview from the upcoming Twilight of the Dragons expansion? Feast your eyes on this epic monster...
Jack looks at a revised version of the Death Knight/Scimitar of the Sirocco deck.
By: staff
Jonathan Lee-Mars shares his sealed pool and how he builds his deck today. Tomorrow, Tim Rivera will take a look at the same pool and construct a deck based on his thoughts.
By: staff
Sean Batt takes a look at a Death Knight deck submission that wants to use diseases. See how he spruces the strategy up!
Rob Swarowski takes a look at how to draft the WoW TCG Death Knight class in Worldbreaker. It also includes an assessment on Horde allies when drafting this archetype.
Corey takes a look at updating the old WoW TCG Orcs archetype for the current Classic Constructed format.
Chris Reilkoff takes a look at the strengths to giving up allies in the WoW TCG Core Format. What's his ally-less deck of choice? A Solo strategy using DoTs!
Tim Rivera sums up his WoW TCG experience at Darkmoon Faire Orlando, with a breakdown of each round he played in the main event.

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