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I had a neat idea and asked Tim Rivera if he would review a Sealed Pack pool with me. Today I will go over my pool and my choices and tomorrow Tim will go over the same pool and walk through his deck building decisions.

When I do a Sealed Pack, I have a very structured way of doing things. First I open all 6 of my packs and place them face down, removing/celebrating any loot/hero/crafting cards I get. After that I divide the cards into three piles: Equipment and Quests, Allies, Abilities (including pets).

Once that’s done, I look through my Quests and Equipment. I look for the quests that will make any deck I play, and then any quest I might play. I identify which equipment are game changers. A good amount of rare equipment are bombs, so that’s an easy way to determine where to start for a deck. After that I divide the abilities into armor classes (cloth/leather/mail/plate), and then into classes.

Once in classes, I figure out which classes I will NOT play. Classes will be eliminated because of lack of depth. This usually leaves me with 2 or 3 classes to choose from. I then divide my allies into Horde, Alliance, and Neutral. Usually I will just go with the Faction that has the best curve. The allies that I’d be looking out for now are: [Varandas Silverleaf], [Frek Snipelix], [Timriv the Enforcer]. Before War of the Elements, I’d have chosen Alliance just so I could have access to [Terina Calin] and [Koeus], but now Horde has access to (possibly better) [Rumu Moonhaze] and [Kark Baneblood].

If one faction has a terrible curve, then my decision is made for me! If both are okay, then I look at synergies that could run throughout my deck and the class I could be playing. Here’s my card pool:

Death Knight:

1 [Strangulate]

1 [Unholy Ground (Hello bomb)]

1 [Withering Decay]

1 [Path of Frost]

1 [Frozen Blight]


1 [Savage Bear Form]

1 [Mark of the Untamed]

1 [Entangling Growth]

1 [Maim]

1 [Moonshard]


1 [Arcane Shot]

1 [Track Dragonkin]

1 [Wingclip]


1 [Frozen Solid]


1 [Flash of Light]

1 [Divine Cleansing]

1 [Censure]

1 [Blessing of Virtue]


1 [Focused Dispel]

1 [Spiritual Harmony]

1 [Expel]

1 [Power Word: Endurance]

1 [Shadow Word: Death]


1 [Sap]

1 [Gouge]

1 [Contagious Poison]

1 [Draining Poison]


1 [Tempest Totem]

2 [Ancestral Recovery]

1 [Lightning Bolt]


1 [Sardok]

1 [Maazhum]

1 [Grimdron]

1 [Fel Covenant]

1 [Fear]


1 [Peerless Guard]

1 [Dauntless Defender]

Other Abilities:

2 [The Firelord’s Gift]

2 [Viciousness]

Alliance Allies:

2 [Arvos Jadestone]

1 [Hira]

1 [Savis Cindur]

1 [Koeus]

1 [Jarrod Gravon]

1 [Xeris]

2 [Cadric Talworth]

1 [Terina Calin]

1 [Axar]

1 [Brimi Tinkerblade]

1 [Watchman Visi]

1 [Wazix Blonktop]

1 [Vincent Brayden]

1 [Zooti Fizzlefury]

1 [Marcus Dominar]

1 [Bayner Cogbertson]

Horde Allies:

1 [Nikka Blastbor]

1 [Lena Naville]

1 [Kloxx Dedrix]

1 [Hanu Skyhorn]

1 [Drax Felfuse]

1 [Korlix Grimvik]

1 [Zulanji]

1 [Oruk Starstorm]

1 [Talaan Solaras]

1 [Zerzu]

1 [Exxi the Windshaper]

2 [Huruk Lightvow]

1 [Caera Sunforge]

1 [Kerzok Plixbloom]

1 [Shaera Strikewing]

Neutral Allies:

1 [Emerald Captain]

1 [Azure Drake]

1 [Bronze Drakonid]

1 [Bound Vortex]

1 [Ruby Emissary]

1 [Azure Skyrazor]

1 [Ruby Protector]

1 [Ruby Skyrazor]

1 [Azure Captain]

1 [Bronze Skyrazor]

1 [Tyrygosa]


1 [Wand of the Ruby Claret]

1 [Abomination Knuckles]

1 [Stakethrower]

1 [Lightning Flash]

1 [Crusher of Bonds]

1 [Helm of Terrorizing Fangs]


3 [The Grimtotem Weapon]

1 [Locked Away]

1 [The Torch of Retribution]

1 [Cleansing Witch Hill]

1 [Corrosion Prevention]

2 [Elemental Energy]

1 [End of the Supply Line]

1 [A Bird in Hand]

1 [Lightning in a Bottle]

1 [Aessina’s Miracle]

1 [Sea Legs]

Now I will start breaking it down.

Playable Quests:

3 [The Grimtotem Weapon]

1 [The Torch of Retribution]

1 [Cleansing Witch Hill]

1 [Corrosion Prevention]

1 [End of the Supply Line]

1 [A Bird in Hand]

1 [Lightning in a Bottle]

1 [Aessina’s Miracle]

Other Quests:

1 [Locked Away]

2 [Elemental Energy]

1 [Sea Legs]

The playable Quests I’d play almost all the time. Obviously the damage type Quests will depend on my pool, and the presence of equipment will affect my choice on [The Grimtotem Weapon]. Otherwise, my quests seem pretty poor aside from [The Torch of Retribution] and [Lightning in a Bottle].


1 [Wand of the Ruby Claret]

1 [Abomination Knuckles]

1 [Stakethrower]

1 [Lightning Flash]

1 [Crusher of Bonds]

1 [Helm of Terrorizing Fangs]

No real bombs, but 2 ranged weapons, specifically 2 weapons that can both be in play makes Hunter seem very attractive. I’m not sure what the point of the rare Helm is. I can’t see it being good in limited at least. The rest of the equipment are all nice role players, but with no real bombs I’ll have to wait for my abilities to decide where I want to go.

Death Knight:

1 [Strangulate]

1 [Unholy Ground] (Hello bomb)

1 [Withering Decay]

1 [Path of Frost]

1 [Frozen Blight]


1 [Savage Bear Form]

1 [Mark of the Untamed]

1 [Entangling Growth]

1 [Maim]

1 [Moonshard]


1 [Arcane Shot]

1 [Track Dragonkin]

1 [Wingclip]


1 [Frozen Solid]


1 [Flash of Light]

1 [Divine Cleansing]

1 [Censure]

1 [Blessing of Virtue]


1 [Focused Dispel]

1 [Spiritual Harmony]

1 [Expel]

1 [Power Word: Endurance]

1 [Shadow Word: Death]


1 [Sap]

1 [Gouge]

1 [Contagious Poison]

1 [Draining Poison]


1 [Tempest Totem]

2 [Ancestral Recovery]

1 [Lightning Bolt]


1 [Sardok]

1 [Maazhum]

1 [Grimdron]

1 [Fel Covenant]

1 [Fear]


1 [Peerless Guard]

1 [Dauntless Defender]

Other Abilities:

2 [The Firelord’s Gift]

2 [Viciousness]

Based on my abilities I can immediately remove Mage, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, and Warrior. Some of the classes are solid, but not in a way that would be better than Unholy Ground by itself. The other classes all have some solid cards that can be offered to me. Let’s see what my allies offer me, if nothing changes, Death Knight is probably the deck to play.

Neutral Allies:

1 [Emerald Captain]

1 [Azure Drake]

1 [Bronze Drakonid]

1 [Bound Vortex]

1 [Ruby Emissary]

1 [Azure Skyrazor]

1 [Ruby Protector]

1 [Ruby Skyrazor]

1 [Azure Captain]

1 [Bronze Skyrazor]

1 [Tyrygosa]

If I play DK, the big blue dragon will probably make the cut, big butts are very useful in this format.

Alliance Allies:

2 [Arvos Jadestone]

1 [Hira]

1 [Savis Cindur]

1 [Koeus]

1 [Jarrod Gravon]

1 [Xeris]

2 [Cadric Talworth]

1 [Terina Calin]

1 [Axar]

1 [Brimi Tinkerblade]

1 [Watchman Visi]

1 [Wazix Blonktop]

1 [Vincent Brayden]

1 [Zooti Fizzlefury]

1 [Marcus Dominar]

1 [Bayner Cogbertson]

Lots of 1 drops, but only 1 two drop (with only 2 neutral allies to supplement, really only 1 since bronze drakonid doesn’t really play like a 2 drop). Add that to a card pool with no stand out cards leaves me with the hope that Horde will be more rewarding.

Horde Allies:

1 [Nikka Blastbor]

1 [Lena Naville]

1 [Kloxx Dedrix]

1 [Hanu Skyhorn]

1 [Drax Felfuse]

1 [Korlix Grimvik]

1 [Zulanji]

1 [Oruk Starstorm]

1 [Talaan Solaras]

1 [Zerzu]

1 [Exxi the Windshaper]

2 [Huruk Lightvow]

1 [Caera Sunforge]

1 [Kerzok Plixbloom]

1 [Shaera Strikewing]

Well, I like the curve better. The lack of ability/equipment removal is a problem. Overall I’d say with the Neutral Allies included, Horde would be better. Imagine the curve of [Lena Naville], [Korlix Grimvik], and [Exxi the Windshaper]. That’d be pretty cool.

The question of class is important now. I think with the card pool in mind, it’s a pick between Hunter and Death Knight. I’d pick Death Knight for overall strength, Unholy Ground and Withering Decay are great. If I chose Hunter I’d be choosing Hunter for the late game, with the two ranged weapons being my late game plan. That’d be good with the Horde allies because: A- the horde has no real late game, specifically no 6 drops. The ranged weapons are great 6 drops. B- [Exxi the Windshaper] works off of Goblins, and the War of Elements hunter hero is a Goblin.

In my first look over the cards I went with Death Knight and Horde. I liked the Horde curve more and an unanswered turn 4 [Unholy Ground] would win me more games than 2 ranged weapons that might be my only board presence after turn 6.

For my quest base, I only included quests that would draw cards, did not want to take the chance that any reveal 5 Quest I used would get rid of [Unholy Ground]. This lead to my final deck.

Final Deck:

Allies - 21

1 [Nikka Blastbor]

1 [Lena Naville]

1 [Drax Felfuse]

1 [Korlix Grimvik]

1 [Azure Drake]

1 [Bronze Drakonid]

1 [Zulanji]

1 [Oruk Starstorm]

1 [Talaan Solaras]

1 [Bound Vortex]

2 [Huruk Lightvow]

1 [Caera Sunforge]

1 [Kerzok Plixbloom]

1 [Shaera Strikewing]

1 [Ruby Emissary]

1 [Ruby Protector]

1 [Azure Captain]

1 [Bronze Skyrazor]

1 [Tyrygosa]

Abilities - 2

1 [Unholy Ground]

1 [Withering Decay]

Quests - 7

1 [Elemental Energy]

1 [Aessina’s Miracle]

1 [A Bird in Hand]

1 [Corrosion Prevention]

1 [The Torch of Retribution]

1 [Cleansing Witch Hill]

1 [Lightning in a Bottle]

Check back tomorrow to see Tim’s take on this sealed pool. Be sure to share your own thoughts about this pool in the forums as well!

-Jonathan Lee-Mars