It’s time to conclude the War of the Elements set review. We end today on a slightly more sour note than the rest of this review. Honestly, there isn’t a whole lot to say about quests from this set. Most of you who have seen the cards already know they are being scaled back in power, and these are the worst yet for Constructed.
Oh well. Let’s get to it.
[All That Rises]
Constructed: 1
There are multiple quests that shuffle cards into your deck. This one is the worst of them all.
Limited: 2
Playable as it allows you not to lose to decking. I prefer my quests to draw cards and since this does not I would not be happy with it.
[A Bird In Hand]/ [Defending the Rift]
Constructed: 1
These quests make [Kibler’s Exotic Pets] and [Zapped Giants] look amazing. With better options, they will not see play.
Limited: 2
As bad as these quests are, quests are going to get worse. Let’s hope that these are the worst of the dumbing down of quests.
[Breaking the Bonds]
Constructed: 1.5
Token deck anyone? I hope that if I have enough allies in play to make this playable, that I am bashing my opponent rather than completing quests.
Limited: 1.5
The only deck I really see this card as playable in is a good elemental deck. I’m not even sure one exists in limited.
[Dragon, Unchained]
Constructed: 2.5
The dragon allies are getting better and better. For the cost, it is playable in the right deck.
Limited: 3
The dragon allies are among the best in limited. This quest is cheap to complete compared to the other options making it one of the better quests right away.
[Elemental Energy]
Constructed: 1
5 resources are just too much.
Limited: 2
You better have a lot of elementals to like this quest.
[Entrenched]/[Forged of Shadow and Flame]/ [Lightning in a Bottle]
Constructed: 2
The standard for these cards right now is 2 resources. I’ll give these cards a 2 for rating, because these might be staples in the future.
Limited: 3
The rating on these quests will change depending on what is in your deck. [Entrenched] is the best among the group, but I can see playing all of them.
[A Head Full of Wind]/ [Putting the Pieces Together]/ [Sea Legs]/ [Something that burns]
Constructed: 1
There have been a few good token making quests before. Those quests always drew you cards and gave the tokens to your opponent. These don’t draw cards, plus they make allies that usually cost 1 resource. I think I’ll pass
Limited: 2
These quests have a large investment for only a 2/1 ally. Their synergy with other cards in War of the Elements makes them playable, but I’d be just as happy not playing them.
[Abyssal Maw]/ [Deepholm]/ [Firelands]/ [Skywall]
Constructed: 2.5
With control over what kind of damage your hero and allies deal, these locations have the ability to make reusable allies every turn. Cards like [Circle of Blood] have seen play, so I can imagine these will too.
Limited: 3
I would be happy to have any of these locations in my deck as long as I can reliably trigger them. I had [Skywall] in my sealed pool at DMF Chicago, but I had to pass as I could not trigger it easily enough. These cards are really solid, with [Firelands] having the best come into play effect. Their only downside is that you have to wait until pack three to see if you open them.
Thanks again for reading our set review. Let us know what you think on our forums. Timriv evaluations aside, we could definitely be wrong on (well more than) one evaluation, and would love to hear what cards would have scored differently if you were rating the set.
-Tim Rivera