WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

WoW TCG Strategy Articles
Players go down some different trains of thought in this week's Pick by Pick. What would you have chosen?
What do you choose in the face of a mediocre pack? That's a question some of our drafters have to face in this week's edition of Pick by Pick.
Some of the packs in today's Pick by Pick contain a mixture of Monsters to split the drafter's decisions. Who goes with what?
Looking for more first pick goodness? How about some first pick choices between solid green dudes or bomb-worthy blue ones?
Marcin talks about his DMF Cannes experiences, including what it feels like to win a draft!
Tim Rivera and pals check in with more first pick breakdowns, including some interesting packs with a selection between class bombs and solid Monsters.
Tim Rivera, along with some special guests, analyze the first packs of some booster drafts. They also explain their reasoning behind their respective first picks.
By: staff
The draft format and procedures for Top 16 cut-off in Limited Darkmoon Faires has been determined.
Tim Rivera's back with Pick by Pick. Today he explores some of the power of the rares he saw in a booster draft, and lets his experiments shape what his deck looks like.
Tim gives a general overview on Throne of the Tides, including how he's changed his approach to most booster drafts.

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