WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!

Corey goes through the process of how he built the Ringleader Kuma deck that he played for the Classic Constructed portion of Worlds.
Corey takes a look at going off with Azure Skyrazor in the Classic Constructed format.
Corey takes a look at the many different archetypes that were impacted by the Cataclysm block at DMF Koln.
Marcin finished just out of the top 16 at DMF Cologne. Today, he reflects on his matches and his deck choice, while congratulating his teammate on his DMF win. Problem?
By: staff
Jeffrey Verwoerd went undefeated in the swiss rounds at DMF Cologne with a modified version of his RC winning Vorix deck. Find out how his matches went in the Classic tournament!
Corey takes a look at the Vorix Burn deck that has been hacking and slashing its way through the Classic Constructed format recently.
By: staff
Dmitry is back, and while he and his Russian friends cannot play at the Classic Constructed WoW TCG tournament in DMF Cologne, he'd like to share with you one of the deck's he was planning on using.
Corey takes a look at Loraala the Frigid in WoW TCG Classic Constructed.
Corey takes a look at a Holy ally deck using Tirion, the Ashbringer for the Classic Constructed WoW TCG format.
Corey takes a look at updating the old WoW TCG Orcs archetype for the current Classic Constructed format.

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