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Since my critically acclaimed Retadin deck won the hearts of many, (thanks Kirk) {Editor’s Note: No problem, buddy} I have decided to follow it up with the Death Knight deck that I played at States. This deck has been finely tuned to handle both rush and some mid-range. Since I won’t be able to win Dark Moon Faire: Philadelphia, because it’s too far to travel this time around I figured I would post the deck that I would have won it with {Editor’s Note: Get the excuses in early}. So, let’s kick it off with the original deck I played at the State Championships, the troubles I ran into, and follow it up with the final adjustments I would make before hitting the DMF: Philly.



Hero: [Zin'Sul]

  [Zin'Sul back]


Allies: 21

2 [Nefarian]

4 [Alecia Hall]

4 [Bronze Guardian]

4 [Bronze Warden]

3 [Obsidian Drakonid]

4 [Obsidian Drudge]



Abilities: 19

4 [Withering Decay]

4 [Frozen Core]

4 [Death Strike]

3 [Outbreak]

4 [Chains of Ice]



Equipment: 8

4 [Scimitar of the Sirocco]

4 [Etched Dragonbone Girdle]



Locations: 4

4 [Twilight Citadel]



Quests: 8

4 [Challenge of the Black Flight]

2 [Mystery Goo]

2 [The Grimtotem Weapon]



Grand Total: 60



Immediately, you can see that my end game punch is about as strong as Kirk’s right hook {Editor’s Note: Can’t tell if compliment, put down or another failed simile}. The original deck idea was more disease/control vs. ally with D.O.T.s as finishers. After playing several hours with a close friend of mine we both came to agree that the disease DK just isn’t that strong yet {Editor’s Note: It’s not healthy to have deep conversations with your goldfish}. The deck was reworked into a complete animal. I wanted to run 3 [Nefarian] and 3 [Amani Dragonhawk] over the [Bronze Guardian] but I did not have the cards to do it. I figured an extra Protector and more card draw would suit well with all the expected rush hype {Editor’s Note: You know, because a 1/ 4 Protector is just like a 7 drop fatty Epic}. Moving on to States, I quickly found out that I was mistaken and that rush was indeed all hype.



The deck I was able to consistently beat was nature hunter, be it Alliance or Horde. Being able to control all of their early game allies with [Chains of Ice], [Frozen Core], [Death Strike] and then following up with stacks of [Withering Decay] is pretty rough for them since they heavily rely on [Aspect of the Wild] to carry them into mid to late game. [Withering Decay] is a game changer, not only does it make most 1 cost allies near worthless, it also beefs up your [Death Strike] as both a removal and healing. Pair that with [Alecia Hall] and you quickly become a pain to take down for rush decks trying to finish you before you can take total control.



Control Paladin wasn’t necessarily difficult to handle, but since I did not have my end game finishers I could not finish the only Paladin I played against. The game ended around turn 12-14 and I lost (I drew 0 belts the whole game) {Editor’s Note: did I mention excuses yet?}. He was a good player and I believe he won the entire Championship. What ultimately decided the match was my inability to draw my belt. Since then, I decided to drop the 2 [Mystery Goo] and go to 4 [The Grimtotem Weapon]s. Drawing the belt is absolutely crucial to keep card advantage and provide answers. Another factor was, though I love [Death Strike], it is ally only. If I was packing 4 [Obliterate]s, I could have easily dropped him another 8-12 HP and finished the game or win due to dealing more damage after Time was called. With that in mind, I have since traded out [Death Strike] for [Obliterate].



Game 4 I played against a control Rogue. In this game I didn’t really want to alter much in my deck; however, it did open my eyes to how amazing [Revealing Strike] is. In an environment where only 3 classes have solid card draw, being able to dump 1 – 2 cards from an opponent’s hand can be an immediate issue that they may not be able to recover from. It would be refreshing to see a sleeper Rogue deck do well at DMF: Philly.



With the 5 games I played and only winning 3 I can say I did learn a bit from State’s. Proper shuffling is probably more important than your deck or skill level {Editor’s Note: Because more random is better than just random}. Not being able to draw a good hand can end the match before it starts. I saw several people lose because their opening hand was about as cute as Stuart Wright in a tutu. Not drawing a key card or an answer because of clump will hurt you more than anything. {Editor’s Note: I have $5 that says Stuart will say not to put bad cards in your deck}



I also learned that reading people and not letting their annoying habits get to you can help you to stay focused on the game. Shuffling a deck a little slow or shuffling my deck backwards so half my cards are in reverse is very irritating and will cause me to think about that rather than focus on the game. Some players will talk nonstop the entire game and that can be quite distracting as well. {Editor’s Note: Next lesson- Don’t tell the World what rattles you in a game... d’oh! Maybe that should have been the first lesson}



With State’s behind me and DMF: Philly out of reach I have no problem revealing the ultimate DK list. This deck packs more answers than Mush in a 200 question math quiz that you have only 5 minutes to complete, more bite than Stuart pounding away on a keyboard behind an avatar on a forum, and more flavor than Alark’s finest cup of freshly brewed tea. {Editor’s Note: Something, something, similes, something, don’t understand, something, something}



This deck comes from my heart, out to all of my fans. Embrace it and win DMF: Philly with HMD across your swollen hunched shoulders. {Editor’s Note: good lord, now he’s slaughtering metaphors}



Hero: [Zin'sul]



Allies: 21

3 [Nefarian]

4 [Alecia Hall]

3 [Amani Dragonhawk]

4 [Bronze Warden]

3 [Obsidian Drakonid]

4 [Obsidian Drudge]



Abilities: 19

4[Withering Decay]

4 [Frozen Core]

4 [Obliterate]

3 [Outbreak]

4 [Chains of Ice]



Equipment: 8

4 [Scimitar of the Sirocco]

4 [Etched Dragonbone Girdle]



Locations: 4

4 [Twilight Citadel]



Quests: 8

4 [Challenge to the Black Flight]

4 [The Grimtotem Weapon]



Grand Total: 60






{Editor’s Note: I will send a T-shirt to anyone who finishes in the Top 16 with this exact deck list}