Well then.
Those were quite the announcements, weren't they?
If you missed them (I seriously doubt you did if you follow news in the game, but just in case), you can find the OP Announcement and the Core Rotation changes over at CZE.
First of all, I am not here to positively spin anything. This isn't going to be some “This is great, CZE is great!” message. Make no mistake though, that I do think the decision for Core will benefit the players in the long run by a mile.
That being said, if you've checked out our site's store, there are singles from two sets: Scourgewar and Twilight of the Dragons. We're just getting started...and already, we're stuck for a period of time. Our cards from Year 4? Yep. Those Brodericks are looking mighty silly right now.
The announcement put a major dent in our growth as a business I think. It did not put a hole in our business. Just a dent. Am I happy about that, personally? Of course not. We're trying to make Daily Metagame a home for all things WoW TCG, but to do that we've needed to look at avenues that allow us to be self-sustaining. Personally speaking, I spend a lot of free time each week on the website trying to edit articles, schedule content, and post submissions. This is on top of everything else I do to...well, you know. Live. I need to make ends meat somehow. In addition, it would be nice to reward our consistent contributors, and the store was one way to potentially do that.
Now, we're not so sure. We're not thinking clearly. We're upset. But we're going to wait and see what happens.
So let me make this clear: I get your frustrations. Tim gets them. James gets them. Pip gets them. Kirk gets them. We're in a similar position. We're not entirely thrilled to look at our Scourgewar block cards while thinking, “Hmm...guess we shoulda bought Worldbreaker”.
But despite our personal frustrations with the announcement, we also understand one other thing when emotions have settled: this change will ultimately benefit us and everyone else in the game.
Think about it for one moment. Our newer cards become more valuable. The money in the secondary market is not gone. It has merely shifted from some cards to other cards. And, as Classic Constructed events come back around, Scourgewar block cards go back up.
The market may look rough in the short term, but things will recover for the better. And the game will be much better for it. You don't know how happy I am to not live in a Core world with Broderick and Tuskarr Kite floating around, oppressing the hell out of what can actually be good in the format. Actually, include a ton of other cards in that, like Voice of Reason, Death Wish, Squall Totem, Feral Spirit, Hurricane, Kel'thuzad...I can go on.
And new players and old players will appreciate that too. Things will be much better for the change. This is not a decision that was taken lightly by anyone at Crypto, but this is ultimately what needed to be done in order to make sure that the Core format coming up was fun and interesting and not just a sea of cards that would have oppressed all low-cost allies, non-ally strategies that had to compete against Kite draw, and more.
To those of you contacting us and other vendors to sell your cards, I ask you to reconsider. Hold on for just a little while longer, and then make that decision. Don't make a knee-jerk reaction to the announcement. Wait and see how things settle down.
In regards to the announcement, and in order to let the community cool down (also to give everyone a break for those of you going to Gen Con such as myself), articles will be on hiatus until mid August. Periodical content may be posted in between, but things need to be restructured around here and honestly, I do not want writers for the site to feel pressured in delivering content if they're feeling too heated. Sometimes a break is necessary.
Let things sink in for a little, and take a look at how everything's doing in a week. I think that will help a lot of people in this community keep a level head in the heat of such earthshaking news.
Thanks again for your support everyone.
-Mike Rosenberg and the rest of the Daily Metagame staff