War of the Elements Set Review: Equipment         
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The equipment in War of the Elements follows three parallel themes. The first one you may remember from Worldbreaker. Heirloom Counters return as a way to gain an increased power the more you Stash. There is also a cycle of equipment which plays with the idea of helping out non-faction allies. And finally there is a cycle which specifically pumps up your Dragonkin.

Which equipment are destined for stardom, and which are heading to the $0.25 rare nexus? Let's take a look!

[Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate]

Constructed: 2

Limited: 2

To be truly effective this armor needs to be paired with Dual Wield. Shaman has access to [whispering blade of slaying] which I guess could see some play, but it seems like a pipedream. I guess the fact that this is another card which can Stash for an heirloom counter makes it noteworthy.

In limited being able to pump your long range weapons makes this worth picking up on the wheel. It is also nice with cards like [Abomination Knuckles], or other heirloom cards.

[Crown of Chelonian Freedom]

Constructed: 2

Limited: 5

It turns out there are a large number of neutral allies in the WOW TCG. This card interacts nicely with all of them, and in some cases, it makes your team pretty much un-killable.

I consider this to be one of the best non-rares in limited. There are a million Dragonkin so this should be live basically every game. If you can play it with a 4-drop you'll have plenty of defense to protect any Dragonkin or other neutral you might recruit to your team. If you're in any of the plate classes, this is an easy 1st pick in pack 3.

[God-Grinding Grips]

Constructed: 1

Limited: 4

This is just too expensive for most constructed decks. Unless you have some way to really abuse the Arcane damage type, I don't see this making the cut. Other decks are just better at machine gunning things (Druid) and all of these classes have better options for removal. I guess it is Hands (1) which means it does not compete with much in that slot.

But in limited play, this is a pretty serious bomb. Yes it is slow, but who cares? If you build your deck to go to the end game you'll be able to blast anything they bring to the table. And if they don't play anything you can simply dome them directly. I'm drafting this 100/100 times if I'm in any of those classes.

[Helm of Terrorizing Fangs]

Constructed: 1.5

Limited: 2.5

Why is this rare? I'm guessing there is some kind of combo out there where you can sacrifice a bunch of non-faction allies in one fel swoop to do something cool. What is that combo? I have no idea. Considering this is restricted to both Hunter and Shaman, I'm not sure what synergies await. I guess the fact that it only cost 2-resources makes this somewhat playable IF your deck is built around it.

In limited this seems anywhere from average to great. This is the type of card you should be able to wheel a large majority of the time, and if your deck is heavy Dragonkin, I'm sure you'll gain a lot of value from it.

[Leggings of the Vanquished Usurper]

Constructed: 1.5

Limited: 3

I like that this continues along the theme of building your deck around non-faction cards, but I don't like how it is restricted to only two classes. Druid is a class which is already known for running great ally buffs like [Gift of the Earthmother]. When am I ever going to say these leggings are better than any class card available in Druid? As for Rogue, it seems okay, but again, not amazing.

For draft, this is basically the 2nd coming of [Skinned Whelp Shoulders]. You already knew the Shoulders were sick in Worldbreaker – the same rule applies for the Leggings.

[Polished Spaulders of Valor]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 2

It is kind of a neat card if you are a solo deck. Vomiting cards into play is fun, and typically equipment gets better the more you have of it.

You can draft this as another card which can Stash for an heirloom counter, but that's about it. Two armor for four isn't very good – and that is about all this is good for.

[Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders]

Constructed: 2.5

Limited: 3.5

There are a couple of key things to notice here. For one, this deals Arcane damage, which is relevant with cards like [Earth and Moon]. It is also able to hit either allies or heroes, which means it is flexible. I'm not saying this is going to be the next big thing, but I could see it seeing some amount of play in Druid.

This isn't the bombiest of bombs in draft, but it is a nice card to have. Being able to shrink allies is nice and the fact that it has armor is gravy.

[Tattered Dreadmist Robe]

Constructed: 3.5

Limited: 1

Anytime you have a power which pumps abilities in Mage, you have to take notice. With cards like [Blizzard], [Everlasting Cold] and [The Taste of Arcana] floating around, this may very well see some action.

This is essentially a blank in limited, except for the fact that it is another Stash card which can be relevant.

[Wildlife Defender]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 3

Why do I feel like there was a missed flavor text opportunity here? Only you can prevent…

Anyway – the card is actually pretty decent. The Stash rewards a deck built around Dragonkin. Now you can buy-back your fallen [Soridormi]. The Protector aspect is fine, but the Stash is actually the best part I think.

A 2-cost 2-armor is pretty good and there is a high chance you'll have some Dragonkin to gain added value. This probably isn't a windmill slam when you open pack 3, but you won't be upset to grab it picks 4-8 either.

[Darkmoon Card: Volcano]

Constructed: 2

Limited: 1

How many games will be won with this card? My money is on less than the number won by [The Darkmoon Faire]. The Stash may make this card see some play in decks which want to tinker with their graveyard.

This is a stone blank in limited.

[Landro's Hitching Post]

Constructed: 1

Limited: 1

Maybe there's a sweet combo out there when you [Bling] out your mounts, but if there is I don't see it. Perhaps this will be better in the future.

You might side board this in if you have multiple [Terina Calin] but that's about it.

[Axe of Grounded Flame]

Constructed: 2.5

Limited: 5

Did anyone else notice this does not prevent Frost damage? Regardless, the resistance isn't likely to matter too often as Frost and Shadow are the only keywords that really matter currently. Down the road this could gain more value as the Drums block rotates and Arcane, Fire and Nature are more relevant.

A 5 4/ 1 weapon is pretty sick in draft and basically a windmill slam pick. Also this is playable by ½ the classes which is nice.

[Barnacle-Coated Greataxe]

Constructed: 3.5

Limited: -5

Along the lines of [Polished Spaulders of Valor], this is pretty sweet in the hands of a Solo hero. It plays particularly well with [Shield Wall]. Sure, you have to build your deck around it, but getting a giant weapon into play quickly seems kind of awesome.

This will never (EVER) see play in limited. Do yourself a favor and pass.

[Blacksoul Polearm]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 4

Basically a reprint of [Terokk's Quill] except we're adding Druid to the mix. I wish these classes had access to something along the lines of [Provoke], but this might see play anyway. It stops [Adam Eternum] and it also turns on cards which require you to have a big ATK weapon in play.

In limited I will play this always as it prevents them from sending in one ally at a time. I think I would just scoop this up pack 3 pick 1 because it will drastically change the dynamic of the game while in play. I wouldn't want to risk someone hate drafting it.

[Crusher of Bonds]

Constructed: 1

Limited: 1.5

Other than having a badass name, this sucks pretty hardcore in constructed and I doubt I need to give you five reasons why.

I give this the tiniest of nods in limited because weapons are very powerful. Even if I have to pay 5 to bash, this will end up being my 29th – 30th card pretty often.

[Fire-Etched Dagger]

Constructed: 1.5

Limited: 3.5

To set the record straight – this card sucks in constructed. The one good part is that it helps promote a Dragonkin deck, which might be cool and it could be competitive once Drums block rotates.

I actually like this card a lot in limited. Cards that dig up your fallen allies are few and far between. The fact that the allies go directly to your hand is nice, and the damage dealing power is a pretty handy bonus.

[Glyphtrace Ritual Knife]

Constructed: 4.5

Limited: 4

You know, there used to be this card called [The Bringer of Death] that saw some competitive play. It was a key card to a Darkmoon Faire winning Priest deck and it has shown up in various control builds throughout the years.

[Glyphtrace Ritual Knife] is even better.

Casters now have a way to combat heavy equipment decks like Death Wish Warrior, and they also have a way to deal with hard-to-answer allies such as the Worgen and their pesky Aberration. I fully expect this to see play from day one forward in Core and possibly pop up in Classic.

In limited this seems like a godsend for a format which has very few answers to equipment and abilities. Now you can actually fight back against the Druid that overlords the board with cards like [Rejuvenation] and [Grim Campfire], plus you have a reset button against decks which overextend their allies. This should be an auto first pick in pack 3.

[Kickback 5000]

Constructed: 2

Limited: 4

While I love the design of this card, it just falls into the category of, “great in limited, awful in constructed”. I can't see a scenario where I feel compelled to run this over any other Long-Range weapon available to the class.

Of course you're going to draft this in limited, and I would probably expect to wheel it if it is in my opening pack. It is not going to immediately take over a game in the same way that [Charmed Ancient Bone Bow] might – so I am more willing to take another card I need such as a quest and hope to get it on the 2nd pass through.


Constructed: 1

Limited: 4

See above.

[Lordbane Scepter]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 1.5

I view this basically as a combo card. In some ways it reminds me of something you might see in the old Arms Strike Out decks of yesteryear– except it is a Mage card. I'm thinking when paired with some zero / one cost abilities like [Scorch] and [Arcane Foresight] you can rack up a ton of damage quickly.

A 3 1/1 weapon is pretty slow in limited, and therefore I don't see this as being very playable. You'll probably scoop it up late, and it might make your deck if you have a lot of abilities, but I don't see this being very good very often.

[Poisonfire Greatsword]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 5

I'm pretty sure the fact that this deals Nature Damage matters quite a bit. Not only do many allies have resistance to it, many cards become better when you can deal it. For sure this will be a card which sees play with Nature Damage allies (too bad this isn't playable by Hunter).

I believe this is the best equipment for limited in War of the Elements. The interaction with the bound elementals is awesome, and this can quickly climb up to 4-8 ATK, allowing you to chomp through all of the best allies in the format.

[The Perforator]

Constructed: 1.5

Limited: 2.5

Yet another card which pushes the Dragonkin theme. I hate that this is restricted to only two classes, but otherwise it feels like a fun card if you're trying to rock dragons. But realistically, I don't see this being playable outside of battlegrounds.

This could become good in draft if your deck contains the right number of Dragonkin. I'm guessing you need at least six in order to make this worthwhile. Expect to pick this up late as I doubt anyone is going to counter draft this from you unless they are trying to complete a full War of the Elements set and just need the rare.

[Wild Hammer]

Constructed: 3

Limited: 4

Some people love this card. I am not among them. Seven seems like a million, and I'm pretty sure I just want to be Jin'rohking people in the mouth 99/100 times. This is probably better after the next block rotation, but for now I just can't see myself playing this in any format.

This is pretty clearly a bomb in draft or sealed. Sadly it's tied to Warrior which means only one player in the draft will have access to it. I don't think this is a card you counter draft, but if I were Warrior I would probably just take it as soon as I saw it and not risk someone stealing it.

That's all for today. We conclude our set review tomorrow as Tim looks at the quests and equipment from the new set.

-Phillip Martin