Naturally, Mike gave me the faction with Timriv. Probably because Timriv is the best ally in this set. Who competes against Timriv?!
Onto the review. Remember, the card breakdown for this set review will go by set order. Cards will be evaluated for Constructed and Limited strengths on a 1-5 scale, where 5 is ranking the card as a format staple and a 1 is ranking it as binder fodder/permanent side-deck sidelines for limited.
Here we go!
[Burom Bladeseer]
Constructed: 1
[Burom Bladeseer] with a blank text box will not see play.
Limited: 3
A 3/2 for 2 is always a good deal in limited. On top of that the Horde two drops from Worldbreaker were weak, so [Burom Bladeseer] fills that gap.
[Caera Sunforge]
Constructed: 1
[Caera Sunforge] has an interesting size body and Protector is always relevant, but there are no decks waiting for a 2/6 Protector to make it efficient. There is also another option available with the 2/6 Will of the Forsaken Protector.
Limited: 3
Protector is the best keyword in limited and when you couple that with a huge butt, you’ve got a winner.
[Drax Felfuse]
Constructed: 2
While there has not been a Dragonkin deck that has made a huge splash in constructed, this ally has the potential to hit for 4 or more damage a turn will being hard to kill. If there is a Horde Dragonkin deck, [Drax Felfuse] will be in it.
Limited: 4
Probably the best 2 drop for Horde in limited. Elusive makes him hard to deal with, plus he gives you a bonus for playing allies you would already play.
[Hanu Skyhorn]
Constructed: 1
[Hanu Skyhorn]’s body is too small for him to see competitive play. His power will be irrelevant a large percentage of the time. If I have 3 resources open, I hope I’m completing a quest, not saving it for this effect.
Limited: 2
His body is too small to make him a playable in limited. Being able to give Arcane Resistance to anything is neat, but this ability seems too expensive to be worth it.
[Kark Baneblood]/ [Rumu Moonhaze]
Constructed: 2
Not all classes are created equal. [Kark Baneblood]/ [Rumu Moonhaze] could be cards that some classes need to deal with cards they currently cannot deal with. Their costs, body, and having to destroy a card of your own may be too hard to overcome, but at least it gives players options.
Limited: 3
Having ways to deal with equipment or abilities is always is always key in limited. [Kark Baneblood]’s/[Rumu Moonhaze]’s value will change based on your class. Always playable, but depending on your class there might be better options.
[Kizzli Grinderstub]
Constructed: 2
[Kizzli Grinderstub]’s Time is Money power makes her at least a consideration for Constructed. I’m not sure what deck she would fit into, but there are plenty of cards that interact well with Stealth.
Limited: 2
[Kizzli Grinderstub] body makes this ally a little weaker than normal. Her ability to allow an ally to swing through a Protector wall makes her playable. For her cost and that size body I would want something more board dominating.
[Korlix Grimvik]
Constructed: 1
[Korlix Grimvik] currently has no home in the current metagame. Having Protector is nice, but without another power he will not see play.
Limited: 3.5
[Korlix Grimvik] may not be a Constructed powerhouse, but he is a Limited one. His body is the perfect size to get you a two for one when by eating their smaller ally and possibly their two drop. He also fits in that much needed two drop slot.
[Kuatha Mornhoof]
Constructed: 1
[Kuatha Mornhoof] is in the same boat as [Korlix Grimvik], except worse. Three drop allies need to have more power. Compared to other 3 drops in the format, [Kuartha Mornhoof] does not stack up.
Limited: 3
[Kuatha Mornhoof] is awesome in limited. Having Protector is big and a 2/4 body fits well. If I was Horde I would take this high and not look back.
[Lena Naville]
Constructed: 2
I believe any card with Stash is going to have potential. While this ally will likely not see play, I am not going to write her off completely.
Limited: 2.5
Her power will always be relevant once only, and the ability to heal an ally for free in limited will be good. However, I prefer my 1 drop to be at least 2/1.
[Maxie the Blaster]
Constructed: 2.5
I find this ally interesting. Some of the cards that jump to the front of my mind with her are [The Taste of Arcana], and [Celestial Moonfire]. [Elder Archilla] was played for this power so I believe there is hope for [Maxie the Blaster].
Limited: 3.5
[Maxie the Blaster] has a decent body, plus she can protect herself by increase her damage to 4 while she is on defense. With War of the Elements featuring a lot of Arcane Damage, [Maxie] will be working overtime to make those allies hit harder.
[Nikka Blastbor]
Constructed: 6
Finally we have a card worth talking about. [Nikka Blastbor] is going to be the new [Broderick Langforth], buy her now while she is dirt cheap. It’s really unfair that the Alliance doesn’t get powerhouse 1 drops like this; what are the CZE guys thinking?
Limited: 2.5
There are one drop allies with the same size body with abilities. I am never happy to play a 2/1 for 1 with no power, but she is still very playable.
[Rakzi the Earthgraced]
Constructed: 3.5
The days of cards like [Steelsmith Joseph Caroll] are over. [Rakzi the Earthgraced] is very similar to Joseph in that she gains Assualt 1 for equipment in play. The Goblin cards all have signs that point to there being a powerful Goblin Hero Equipment deck. I think the ally will fit perfectly in that deck. [Rakzi the Earthgraced] Stash power is interesting a relevant in that deck too. This is a card that has a lot of potential and will likely increase in price once a good Equipment based Goblin deck is found.
Limited: 1.5
The chances of making [Rakzi the Earthgraced] powerful in limited is low. I hope you can, but for me it seems like a stretch.
Constructed: 3
This evaluation might get the most criticism. I think [Razo'jun] has the ability to see play in Constructed. The one deck that I can see [Razo'jun] having a home in is a deck like [Ringleader Kuma]. A deck that loves to have as many allies as possible in play on turn 4, for the flip, loves allies that make tokens.
Limited: 3
Trying to evaluate [Razo'jun] is difficult for me without playing the set more. I think he is decent as he can eat a 1 drop while leaving a body big enough that kills some two drops. Once the set comes out I will have a better evaluation for him, but for now I think it is an ally that you will want in your deck.
[Shaera Strikewing]
Constructed: 2
Maybe Stash will become relevant?
Limited: 3.5
[Shaera Strikewing] has a good sized body for her drop, she can always hit who you want, plus her stash effect is relevant in a format dominated by Protectors. This card is a good and one you should always be happy playing.
[Talaan Solaras]
Constructed: 1.5
This is the Stash card I am least excited about for Constructed. His ability to ping for 1 seems too little for constructed play. It could work with [Dreadsteed] or [Deathcharger] but besides that, I don’t see it being played.
Limited: 3.5
[Talaan Solaras] action in the sun will be in draft or sealed. He has a good body for cost, but I think his Stash effect will be where he is most efficient allowing players to trade up the curve with no resource cost. [Talaan Solaras] is a three drop you should always play in Horde.
[Timriv the Enforcer]
Constructed: 3
In my preview article, I talked about how I didn’t know his constructed implications. Multiple people have told me they look forward to abusing him in constructed. I was not lucky enough to get a deck list from these people, but I look forward to seeing what they do with him.
Limited: 4.5
If you are Horde, there are very few cards you would take over this. This card can turn losing games into a one sided ass kicking with one quick activation. Most limited games are won by making the most out of your allies. To make the most of them, you like to attack with your bigger allies into their smaller allies when yours will survive. If you pass this card, you better have taken a good rare or epic.
[Tharuk Foulblade]
Constructed: 1
Too small, and a pretty marginal ability.
Limited: 2
This ally’s body it too small for its costs. The fact that there are two drops that can take it out straight up make is almost unplayable in my eyes.
Constructed: 3.5
[Tol'zin] looks like one of the good allies to play in Constructed. Phillip Martin recently played a Shaman deck at the Tanaris Realm Championship. This ally would have fit perfectly along with his [Nathanos Blightcaller], [Signet of Manifested Pain], and [Feral Spirit]s. His Stash effect is also very appealing. Ringleader Kuma’s flip power is one of the best in the game, and this ally gives you half of that flip for your tokens. The potential for this guy is outstanding, and I look forward to testing him.
Limited: 1.5
With less control over what token outlets you will have, I think that [Tol'zin] is too small to be played. If you have a crazy token deck, maybe he is playable, but a large amount of the time I will stay away from him.
[Valytha Colton]
Constructed: 1
No text box means a death sentence for this ally.
Limited: 3
Any ally that has power and toughness equal to costs(three drop and higher), it is going to be a playable and highly desired ally.
Constructed: 1.5
Allies with come into play effects are very powerful, but the one defense on this ally is a huge liability. The come into play effect is another reason that he will not see play. Imagine playing [Yoza'tsu] and using his power on a [Broderick Langforth]. Not a good position to be in.
Limited: 3
This ally will be good as he usually takes out an ally on his way in and on his way out. Any card that can gain me a 2 for 1 is a card I look forward to having in my deck.
[Zarvix the Tormentor]
Constructed: 2
Pat Eshghy and crew proved that trying to deck people can be a good power. I’m not sure if this ally does enough for his cost, but at least it gives deck builders options. There is a deck out there that he fits into, and if you have one feel free to submit it to our staff to pass to Sean Batt for review.
Limited: 3
Decking your opponent is a viable option in limited and happens often. [Zarvix the Tormentor] will find a home in your draft deck, just make sure you pack enough Goblins to make him worth it.
Constructed: 1
If there is a deck based all around 1 defense allies, this guy could see play. Too bad there is not. He is going to be sitting on the sidelines.
Limited: 2
A good ally to have with [Timriv the Enforcer]. Otherwise the cost of discarding a card makes his power hard to use. There might some matchups that you want to kill their elusive ally, otherwise throw him in the side deck.
That's all for today. Check back tomorrow as Mike takes a look at the neutral allies in the set.