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Magic Workstation - Wow Downloads

THT_Patch_Version_14.0b.exe This patch installs Throne of Tides with the Hogger promo card. It also installs the new Aftermath Core (Version 14.0b including the cards to be reprinted from the Fall Class Starters) and Classic Masterbases (Version 14.0a) and the old Worldbreaker Core and Block Masterbases (Version 13.1a) for those still testing.
Core_Version_14.0b_Masterbase_Patch.exe An updated masterbase from the 14.0 Patch that includes the cards from the Fall 2011 Class Deck Starters.
Full_Install_Part_1.exe Part 1 of the Full Install package.
Full_Install_Part_2.exe Part 2 of the Full Install package.
Full_Install_Part_3.exe Part 3 of the Full Install package.
Full_Install_Part_4.exe Part 4 of the Full Install package.
WoW Guide.doc An preliminary installation guide for playing WoW on MWS
Themes.exe This is the theme file Only.
Alternate_Theme.exe This is the theme file Only with an alternate name. Only for those who play both Magic and WoW on Magic Workstation.
HOA_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the HOA.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Heroes of Azeroth.
ONX_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the ONX.mwset file, which includes all the cards from the Onyxia Raid Treasure Pack and the Burning Crusade Promos.
TDP_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the TDP.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Through the Dark Portal.
MCT_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the MCT.mwset file, which includes all the cards from the Molten Core Treasure Pack.
FOO_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the FOO.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Fires of Outland.
FWV_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the FWV.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Feast of Winter Veil.
MOL_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the MOL.mwset file, which includes all the cards from March of the Legion.
MAG_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the MAG.mwset file, which includes all the cards from the Magtheridon's Lair Treasure Pack.
SOB_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the SOB.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Servants of the Betrayer.
HFI_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the HFI.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Hunt for Illidan.
BT_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the BTT.mwset and BTR.mwset files, which includes all the tournament legal cards from the Black Temple Raid, as well as all the cards from the Black Temple Treasure Pack.
DMF_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the DMF.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Darkmoon Faire.
DOW_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the DOW.mwset and DWS.mwset files, which includes all the cards from Drums of War, the Drums of War Starters, and the Wrath of the Lich King Promos.
BOG_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the BOG.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Blood of the Gladiators.
BDG_and_CRF_Archive_Version_10.1.exe This patch installs the BDG.mwset and CRF.mwset files, which includes all the Badge of Justice and Crafted promo cards through Icecrown.
AGM_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the AGM.mwset file, which includes all the Arena Grand Melee cards.
DKS_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the DKS.mwset file, which includes all the Death Knight Starter cards.
FOH_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the FOH.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Fields of Honor.
SCW_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the SCW.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Scourgewar.
NAX_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the NAX.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Naxxramas Raid Treasure Pack.
WRG_Archive_Version.exe This patch installs the WRG.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Wrathgate.
ICR_Patch_Version_10.1.exe This patch installs the ICR.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Icecrown. This archive includes registry files (Windows XP OS) and installation instructions for adding images to player created tokens.
TOD_Patch_Version_13.0.exe This patch installs the TOD.mwset file, which includes all the cards from Twilight of the Dragons and the Midsummer and Swift Brewfest promos. .
WOE_Patch_Version_12.2.exe This patch installs the WOE.mwset file, which includes all the cards from War of the Elements and the Love is in the Air and Noble Garden promo cards. .
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