WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!




The Question of Gluttony podcast is a weekly show dedicated to the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Host Sean Batt and others debate the week's top stories, listener e-mails and deck tech in their hour long show.

Have a question for the hosts?
E-mail the show at and follow Sean on Twitter



In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Anweeble, Joe Duyos, Tripp Allen and Jack Fejer.  We do a final run down of the decks to expect at this weekends Realm Championship and we also touch upon the newly announced Contemporary Constructed format.

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Stephen Charles McArthur, Ian Johnson, and Jason Tian.  We discuss the recent DMF: Baltimore and Ian and Jason' disqualification from that event, the repercussions of the DQ and its affect on the community and then we wrap up our discussion discussing next week's Realm Championships

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Joe Duyos, Todd Anweeble, Tripp Allen, Jack Fejer and Tobias Wagner.  We discuss strategies for the upcoming Team Sealed event at DMF:Baltimore before discussing the upcoming Love is in the Air event as well as the expected meta for Realm Champs.

Wed, 28 March 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 70 - "Waffle House Pimp"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tripp Allen, Joe Demestrio, EricBukendorf,and Stephen Charles MacArthur.  We discuss the recent MetaMart even in St. Louis dissecting both the Classic and Core formats before discussing the recent Realm Champs news.  Tune in for this very entertaining episode.

Wed, 21 March 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 69 - "Baby Seals"

In this episode host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Anweeble, Joe Duyos, Evan Cullerton, and Isaac Collins.  We discuss Isaac's upcoming Face/Off event at DMF:Baltimore, the expected MetaGame for those attending The MetaMart 3k Series in St. Louis, and  how the reprints in the new Champion decks that will affect the meta.

Wed, 14 March 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 68 - "Cream Puff Posse"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Jeffrey Verwoerd, Oliver Gehrmann, Todd Anweeble, Tripp Allen, Isaac Collins, and Steven Thompson.  We begin the episode with trying to explain the new draft format, with a begining player in mind.  We then do our first ever on-air Deck Clinic of Nick Allen's deck:

Suncaller Haruh
Bronze Warden x4
Alethia Brightsong x4
Grazzle Grubhook x4
Bronze Guardian x4
Tristani the Sunblade x4
Parexia, Herald of the Shadows x4
Mazu'kon x2/3
Psychic Will x4
Power Word: Barrier x4
Shadow Word: Despair x4
Shadow Word: Death x3/4
Twist of Faith x3
Minature Voodoo Mask x4
Bottled Mind x3/4
Seeds of Their Demise
Signed in Blood

Wed, 07 March 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 67 - "Catch and Release"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Anweeble, Joe Demestrio, Aric Jack, and Ben Norwood.  We discuss the EVC promos for NACC, how Crown of the Heavens has been affecting our draft experience and we wrap up with a little metagame discussion.

Thu, 01 March 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 66 - "The 1%"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Anweeble, Tripp Allen, Joe Duyos, Damien Dufresne, Ben Norwood, and coverage-meister Jack Fejer.  We (briefly) discuss Edwin VanCleef hitting $150, discuss the recent Chinese DMF and wrap up with a discussion of the recent rise in value of certain Crown of the Heavens cards as well as the upcoming MetaMart Event series in St. Louis on March 24 and 25.

Thu, 23 February 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 65 - "The Winner's Circle"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by MetaMart 3k winner Joe Demestrio, DMF:Cannes winner Stuart Wright and the man who just wins at life, Oliver Gehrmann.  We first discuss Joe's recent win and what went into his deck selection before chatting with Stuart and Oli and discussing their experiences at DMF:Cannes.

Thu, 16 February 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 64 - "The Return of Tyma"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by fan-favorite Tyma as well as Tripp Allen, Todd Anweeble, and Christian Bentley.  We begin by discussing Tripp and Todd's performance and experience at the recent MetaMart Tournament series in Phoenix before moving into a discussion of how Crown of the Heavens has impacted constructed.

Wed, 8 February 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 63 - "A Fireside Chat with CZE"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tripp Allen and Joe Duyos as well as CZE employees Ben Stoll and Patrick Sullivan.  We discuss all things Crown of the Heavens, from inital development to their hopes for the set.  Tune in to hear what is on the minds of the people behind this great game.

Thu, 2 February 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 62 - "Hyjal Stag To The Face!"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Joe Duyos, Todd Anweeble, Jack Fejer, Jeffrey Verwoerd, Issac Collins, Tripp Allen and Damien Dufresne.  In this action-packed episode we do a class by class review of Crown of the Heavens before discussing all the news that came out of last weekends DMF:LA.  Join us for this epicly long review show!

Thu, 26 January 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 61 - "Living on Borrowed Time"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tood Anweeble, Tripp Allen, Isaac Collins, Joe Duyos, and Steven Thomoson.  We continue last week's Crown of the Heavens preview review before discusssing the DMG Player of the Year contest and the expected metagame for DMF:LA this weekend.  We also have a special interview with the current WoWTCG World Champion, Mr. Hans Hoeh!

Thu, 19 January 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 60 - "I Do It For The Game"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Steven Thompson, Joe Duyos, Isaac Collins, Todd Anweeble, Jeffery Verwoerd, and Olliver Gehrman.  This is part one of our Crown of the Heavens preview discussion where we discuss the new keyword Harmonize, the new Monster heroes, and all the goodies spoiled thus far for the upcoming set.

In this episode host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Anweeble, Isaac Collins, Tripp "Not Ever Going To Be On My Podcast Again" Allen and Evan Cullerton.  We discuss Isaac's very unique Solo Rogue and his recent experience at an RCQ before discussing discussing some of the recently released preview cards.

Tues, 4 Jan 2012
A Question of Gluttony Episode 58 - "A Realm Qualifier Prep"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tripp Allen, Joe Duyos, Todd Anweeble, and Marcin Filipowicz.  We discuss the  "burn out" that some players feel and the best ways to combat it before moving into a discussion of decks for the Realm Qualifier Season.  We discuss some known decks and we bring up a couple of sleeper hits as well.

Tues, 16 Oct 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 52 - "VanCleef's On A Boat"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Derbyshire, Jack Fejer, Tyma Hughes, and Oliver Gehrmann. We discuss Worlds and Jack and Oliver's experiences as well as the metagame staleness, the power inbalance between the factions, Edwin VanCleef's price tag, The's 5K, and the ongoing forums and Facebook craziness from this week.

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes and Todd Derbyshire.  We disccus current Core, Class and Draft-just in time for this weekend's World Championship!

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Tues, 26 Oct 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 49 - "More Bikers than Sons of Anarchy"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Derbyshire, Steven Thompson, and Kris Spizak.  We discuss Kris' WoWTCG podcast, The Pittsburg Players Podcast.  We then discuss the upcoming Biker Showdown, the Hallows End event, and then we discuss more about New Core and upcoming Worlds.

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Tues, 11 Oct 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 46 - "Ability Removal Is For..."

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Jeffery Verwoerd, Marcin Filipowicz, and Oliver Gehrmann for a star studded European cast.  We start off discussing Oliver's recents demos in Germany and Jeffery's experience at DMF: Philly.  We wrap up with some discussion of the upcoming World Championship in Rotterdam next month, discussing deck ideas for Core and Classic.

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Tues, 4 Oct 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 45 - ""Philly Flava"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Joe Duyos, Todd Derbyshire, Ben Norwood, William Zobac and Rob Swarowski.  First Sean, Joe, Todd and Ben discuss their experiences at DMF:Philadelphia, both from a player's and a judge's perspective.  We then discuss some hot deck ideas once Throne of Tides releases next week before we wrap up with William and Rob discussing the DMF:Philly Cake Draft.

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Tues, 28 Sep 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 44 - ""Throne of Tides is Awesome!"

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Aric Jack, Kirk Buckendorf, Rob Swarowski and Mark Van Lommel.  We discuss the recent Throne of Tides prerelease event held last weekend at the Cryptozoic HQ in California and we also do an individual class review of the awesomeness that is Throne of Tides.

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In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by MA State Champ Todd Derbyshire, FL State Champ Sergio Bravo-Garcia, FL runner-up Brad Bragg, NY State Champ James Clares and AQoG Archivist Joe Duyos.  We discuss how we did and what we played at States this last past weekend and then we discuss some of the recent previews for Throne of Tides.

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Tues, 13 Sep 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 42 - Friends of Crabbyfin

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by regulars Joe Duyos, Steven Thompson, and Todd Derbyshire as well as special guests, DMF Poznan winner Marcin Filipowicz and deckbuilder extraordinaire, Ian Johnson.  We discuss Marcin's win in Poznan and what went into that, his testing process, and then we discuss some decks for the Block format.

Tues, 6 Sep 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 41 - Thrall, Master of the Universe

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by regulars Joe Duyos, Steven Thompson, and Todd Derbyshire as well as special guests, DMF Poznan winner Marcin Filipowicz and deckbuilder extraordinaire, Ian Johnson.  We discuss Marcin's win in Poznan and what went into that, his testing process, and then we discuss some decks for the Block format.

Tues, 30 Aug 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 40 - Mending

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tripp Allen and Kevin Gray.  We begin with a discussion of DMF:Poznan and the cool and innovation decks that where seen there (as well as a big congrats to Marcin Filipowicz for taking the whole thing down).  We then discuss the upcoming Cerwyn's Lair 1K on September 10 in Chicago (more info at, a little bit more about our experiences thus far with Block Tournaments (and how short they are) and we discuss the new Token of Justice cards, wrapping up with a little bit of "What decks are we playing?"

Tues, 23 Aug 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 39 - In Which We Discuss Block

Join us for episode 40 as host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Derbyshire and Tripp Allen.  The begin with a bries discussion of the upcoming DMF in Poznan after which we discuss all things Block, going though each class and why we like it (or dislike it).  We conclude with a reminder about the upcoming Cerwyn's Lair 1K in Chicago on September 10 of which you can find more details at

Tues, 07 Aug 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 38 - The Aftermath

Join host Sean Batt, Todd Derbyshire, Damien Dufresne, and Matt Markoff for one of our most serious and on-topic episodes to date.  In this episode we discuss Damien's new tournament series, everyone's experience at GenCon, we share our thoughts on the Core rotation news and we close out the episode with some discussion of Block deck ideas.

Tues, 01 Aug 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 37 - Tales from the Crypt(ozoic Entertainment)Pt 2

In this episode, hosts Sean Batt and Tripp Allen are joined by Kyle Heuer, Patrick Sullivan, and Drew Walker from Cryptozoic Entertainment.  We discuss the recent Twilight of the Dragon's release, today's large announcement on set rotations and the format for Worlds and conclude with a little discussion of the upcoming Draft Rally and State Championships.

Tues, 27 July 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 36 - Tom Stevenson Strikes Again

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes, Matt Markoff, Steven Thompson, and Joe Duyos.  We discuss our experiences at the recent Spectral Safari and then do a class by class analysis of Twilight of the Dragons!  Tune in to find out what cards we think will make a splash in limited and constructed play.

Tues, 12 July 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 35 - The Art of the Trade

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes, Tripp Allen, Matt Markoff and the trademeister himself, Damien Dufresne.  Damien discusses the genesis of his site, and shares his unique view of the current state of WoWTCG.  We then discuss the first batch of Twilight of the Dragon previews.  What cards will be hot (no pun intended) and what are duds?  Tune in and find out!

Wed, 5 July 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 34 - The Short One

Because of the recent Fourth of July holiday here in the US, everyone is still recovering but we still managed to record.  Host Sean Batt is joined by Joe Duyos and Tripp Allen.  We discuss the results from the recent EUCC, the disappearance of the Eggerator deck, and the few Twilight of the Dragons spoilers that we've received.

Wed, 22 June 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 33 - Stash Free Zone

Join us for episode 33 of A Question of Gluttony podcast.  Host Sean Batt is joined by Matt Markoff, Joe Duyos, Tripp Allen, Aric Jack, and Kevin Gray.  We discuss the upcoming Cerwyn's Lair 1K Event that Kevin is hosting on July 16, 2011 in Louiseville.  We then interview Matt about his NACC experience and the genesis of his Spider Solitaire list.  We lastly end on some WoWTCG news and rumors.

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Wed, 22 June 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 32 - FYF

Join us as host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes, Tripp Allen, Todd Derbyshire, Julia Smith and Joe Duyos.  We discuss the recent NACC tournament from both a volunteer and a player's point of view.  We discuss the big decks of the tournament and our guests share stories from their weekend of debauchery in Las Vegas.

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Thur, 09 June 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 31 - Two Scoops of Fruit In Every Class Starter!

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes, Matt Markoff, and Tripp Allen.  We discuss the new Class Starter decks and we do a quick run down of the new heroes and the two new Shaman cards.  For the second half of the podcast we discuss online testing-the good, the bad and the ugly and ideas that we have if Cryptozoic and Blizzard ever put out an official client.

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Thur, 02 June 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 30 - That Music And/Or Advertisement Was Amazing!

In this episode, your host Sean Batt is joined by Todd Derbyshire, Tripp Allen, Tyma Hughes and Steven Thompson.  We discuss some Class Starter Deck news as well as the prep that we each put in going into a big event.  Learn how we test and how many hours we put into each deck.  Listen and learn a lot for NACC!

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Thur, 24 May 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 29 - Meeting of the Minds

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tyma Hughes and Jeffrey Verwoerd.  We discuss Jeff's recent Rogue build, the upcoming Class Starter Decks and the Spectral Safari.  We finish up the cast with Matt Markoff as we discuss the commons and uncommons from War of the Elements that will be shaking up the draft format, just in time for NACC and EUCC.

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Thur, 17 May 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 28 - Mr. Markoff If You're Nasty!

In this episode, we're join by host Sean Batt and cohost James Clare, Tyma Hughes, and Matt Markoff.  Matt discusses his new website and we discuss the top decks going into to the NACC metagame.  Thanks for listening and join our Facebook group for all the latest news at
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Thur, 11 May 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 27 - he One in Which We Phone It In

In this episode, host Sean Batt is joined by Tripp Allen and Joe Duyos.  We discuss the top 8 decklist of DMF Koln and discuss the Classic metagame.  Please rate us on iTunes and visit our Facebook page at

Thur, 05 May 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 26 - The Champ is here.

In this episode, Sean is joined by Tripp Allen, Joe Duyos, Steven Thompson(for a bit), and Julia Smith as well as Russell Lindberg, Brian Lindberg, and Jordyn Crawford of Team Defias Brotherhood.  We're introduced to the team and then we delve into a class by class review of War of the Elements.  Give a listen and find out what the our winners and losers will be.

Thur, 28 April 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 25 - Master of Karate. . . and Friendship!

In this episode we're joined by Aric Jack as well as Andrew Wolf, Patrick Sullivan, and Ry Schueller from Cyrptozoic Entertainment.  We discuss the development of War of the Elemenets and what went into the Dragonkin and Elemental Lords, the recent rules changes, Noblegarden & Battlegrounds, and the next round of Class Starter(complete with an exclusive spoiler of the Horde Warlock).  Join us for this action packed episode!

Thur, 21 April 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 24- Poke-man!
In this episode, I'm joined by Tripp Allen, Steven Thompson, and Joe Duyos.  We recount our experience at the Realm Championship for Feralas; the highs, the many, many lows, and the fun we had.

Thur, 14 April 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 23- Steven Is Special To Me

In this episode we're joined by Steven Thompson, Tripp Allen, and Ben Norwood.  We discuss the hot decks for Realm Champs, the tricks to expect and the cards you'll need to beat those decks.  Join us for an action packed episode!

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Thur, 07 April 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 22- It'd Be A Mount

Join us for episode 22 of A Question of Gluttony Podcast where we're joined by Julia Smith, Tripp Allen, and Steven Thompson.  We discuss the War of the Element Epics, some star cards, Aric Jack's vanity hero and the upcoming Realm Champs.

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Thur, 31 March 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 21- A Woman's Prospective

In this episode we're joined by Aric Jack, Tripp Allen, Steven Thompson, and Julia Smith.  We discuss Julia's history with the game, the status of the WoWTCG Cup series around the country, what we're playing for Realm Champs, and lastly we assess the last batch of War of the Elements previews.

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Thur, 24 march 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 20- Working Class Hero

In this episode, we're joined by Tripp Allen and Todd Derbyshire.  We discuss the upcoming Darkmoon Faire: Chicago, Todd offers some tips on the current Worldbreaker sealed, and we go over the first batch of War of the Elements previews.  

For those that are interested, you can check out the A Question of Gluttony forums at

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Thur, 17 March 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 19- Don't Call Me Stu!

In this episode, we're joined by Aric Jack, Tripp Allen, and Stuart Wright.  We discuss Stuart's recent Darkmoon Faire Win,his deck choice moving forward, what we'd be playing in the Realm Championship and then we discuss Cryptozoic's new properties!

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Tues, 08 March 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 18- Voltron, Assemble!

In this episode, we're joined by Brad Watson, Jack Fejer, Phillip Martin, and Steven Thompson.  We discuss decks choices and World Cup!

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Thurs, 03 March 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 17- The Todd

In this action-packed episode, we're joined by Aric Jack and Todd Derbyshire.  We discuss what we're playing in the post AICC meta, the recent rise in value of certain popular cards, and we close with a discussion of what cards are poised to rise in value and some that are going to be dropping

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Thurs, 24 February 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 16- in the Studio

In this special episode, we are joined by Sean, Aric Jack, Phillip Martin, and Tim Rivera.  We discuss their history with the game, their website, and their thoughts on the new treasure cards.

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Weds, 16 February 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 15- Ramon and the Giant Peach

Join us for episode 15.  Special guest host Ramon joins Sean.  We first discuss John leaving the show and Ramon's experience at DMF:Orlando.  We then discuss our RCQ experience thus far and we wrap up with a discussion of the new Badge of Justice necklaces that debuted at DMF:Orlando.

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Thur, 10 February 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 14- Recovering from DMF

In this episode, Sean and Steven discuss the recent events at Darkmoon Faire Orlando this past weekend.  We discuss the decks that we saw, what we played, our sealed pools, and our thoughts on the current tournament scene.

We also want to extend a big thank you to all of our listeners.  It was great to meet some of you this weekend and you all really made this weekend enjoyable(because we sure as hell didn't do well in any tournament).

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Mon, 7 February 2011

A Question of Gluttony Episode 13- Tuesdays with Rosey

In this episode, the A Question of Gluttony Crew discuss our deck choices for DMF: Orlando.  The second half of the episode, we interview Mike Rosenberg from  We pick his brain about deck selections, sealed pools, and what he'd be playing in DMF:Orlando.

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Fri, 4 February 2011
A Question of Gluttony Episode 12- My Dad is a Duelist!?!

For episode 12 we are joined by Aric Jack, Christina Estrada, and James Scott.  Aric is the Volunteer of the Year for CZE and shares his thoughts on the game.  James Scott is a volunteer for CZE and he's heading up League Play here at DMF:Orlando.  Lastly we chat with Christina Estrada, Alexstraza herself. Enjoy!

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Fri, 28 January 2011

In this episode, our heroes Sean and John discuss their final decks for testing for the upcoming DMF:Orlando. We discuss the past RCQ that was held in Tampa. Ramon stops by to discuss his deck ideas, his RCQ experience and what his deck ideas for DMF:Orlando. We also manage to wander horrible off topic on multiple occasion. Fun, right?

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Tue, 18 January 2011

In this episode our hosts are joined by Ben Chicoski, Alex Charsky, and Patrick Sullivan of Cryptozoic Entertainment(you know, the guys who make the game). This is our first podcast over Skype and we've still got kinks to work out. Give a listen to find out what's going on at DMF Orlando, where the game is going, and what's on the minds of the people who make this game.

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Tue, 11 January 2011

In this exciting episode, John is mysteriously absent but guest host Steven is kindly enough to fill in.  We discuss our DMF Orlando travel plans, the decks that we’re currently working on for the Realm Qualifier this upcoming weekend and lastly we share our favorite cards from Worldbreaker.

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Wed, 5 January 2011

In episode 8 of A Question of Gluttony Podcast, hosts Sean and John discuss the upcoming Realm Qualifier Season.

First we discuss a rumor that may or may not involve a Cryptozoic employee being on our podcast for DMF Orlando.  We also discuss the recent CZEV rewards that where send out to the Champions of the Black Flame.

Next we discuss what the big decks we think will make appearances the Realm Qualifier season, the best ways to combat those decks, and a few saucy decks that we’re currently working on.

We also wish to congratulate Michael for winning our Facebook contest.  His draft set of Worldbreaker is on route as we speak.  Lastly, we toy with the idea of having A Question of Gluttony Podcast party at DMF Orlando for our loyal listeners.  Shoot us an email at or leave us a message on Facebook if you're interested.

Join us for episode 8, won’t you?

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Wed, 29 December 2010

Hosts Sean and John start the episode discussing their initial meetings in the Heroes of Azeroth days.  Next we discuss the new Archeology cards (we’re a little slow with the news-cut us some slack) an their impact on constructed play(if any). Lastly we decide our top 3 favorite decks of all time. The decks have to be taken into context but we discuss why we loved them and why we can’t play them anymore.  We also have a few days left in our Facebook contest.  All you have to do is like our podcast on Facebook 

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Wed, 22 December 2010

In this episode, our hosts Sean and John try out some new audio equipment.  Hopefully this improves the quality of the show a bit.  The hosts start the show discussing their history in card games.

We also start the episode with a very heartfelt thank you to Bazomic for not only his help with our audio quality(hey-we're working on it) but also for winning our logo contest.  If you're reading this, you've already seen his winning submission.  His draft set of Worldbreaker will be going out shortyly.

We then discuss our top 3 cards that teem with possibility but have been ultimately epic failures.  Our lists are:

Sean: (1) Great Elekk (2) Continuum Blade (3) Cold Snap (with the honorable mention of Leggings of the Tireless Sentry)

John: (1)Icy Veins (2)Curse of Exhaustion (3)Jaina, Lady of Theramore(with the honorable mention of Frostweaver Dakar'sith)

We end the episode sharing the decks that we've been playing.  John's been sleeving up solo Paladin and Druid Rush(with Worgen and Gift of the Earthmother).  Sean's been rocking his token list and his new Aggro Paladin list.

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Thu, 16 December 2010

Sean and John begin episode five discussing this last weekend's Feast of Winterveil at Anthem Games in Tampa, FL.  Steven joins us a bit late.  Not to give anything away, one of us did well, one did okay, and one utterly failed.  We discuss our decks and matches, great plays and stupid blunders.

Next we announce our second contest, as the first was a pretty epic fail.  This contest is much easier, you simply have to like our product/service page on Facebook.  Here's a direct link,  Join the fun!  On December 31 we'll pick a winner from all of our members and they will take home a draft set of Worldbreaker.

Following up the contest news, we discuss decks that we're working on now that Worldbreaker is released.  We share some theories and what we think will be the big decks in New Core.  Steven's really feeling Worgen Warlock and John's looking at all things Mage, specifically the new Orc Mage.  Sean's still on his token deck but it needs some work and he revisits for the third time his Orc Shaman deck.

Finally we conclude with some good old banter, discussing John's complete luck sack with dice rolls, body shots, and Stash rides.

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Tue, 7 December 2010

In this episode, our hosts are joined by a special guest, Steven!!!  Up first we discuss the test games that we sat down to play with my Worgen Token deck.  Here's a list, if your interested(it was made on the fly and is pretty rough around the edges):


Arturius Hathrow

4XSignent of Manifested Pain
2XCleansing Witch Hill
2XLeader of the Pack
4XTabards of the Illidari
2XThe Overseer's Shadow
2XProving Grounds
4XGarret Vice
3XKing Genn Greymane
4XLoriam Aggros
3XRoland Pheonix
3XSavis Cinder
4XNature's Focus
4XNatural Repossession
3XBlessing of the Pious
Next up we discuss the abilities of the full visual spoiler that has posted.  We decided to rate each class and either thumbs up, down, or neutral.  
Lastly, we pick Steven's brains on new deck ideas and what he's going to be rocking at The Feast of Winterveil.

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