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Aternatives to Magic Workstation.
Last Post 12 May 2011 11:14 PM by l3ird. 1 Replies.
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ShoelUser is Offline
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14 Dec 2010 11:09 AM  
Hi to you all,
first I would like to thank the people of daily metagame, for really providing me with interesting content.

But I would like to point out that there are alternatives to MWS (that in my opinion are superior, there could be more but if so I havn't tried them out).

My Favourit LackeyCCG
It's completely free, the software and the WoWtcg plugin is continiously updated. Unlike MWS it's customizable from the start (the software allows for any kind of CCG/TCG. Quest's aren't refered to as land and so on). You can spectate or even multiplay. (except for the nax raid all other raid cards are included). The plugin installs directly from within the program. works both on mac and on pc. Good deckbuilding with filters. preset filters to filter out Classic / Core 1 /Core 2 and the respective blocks. There's probably lots more, but these are the first things that come to mind.
Webbased doesn't need to install anything. Online decks so wherever you are your decks are with you. Results tracking. Did I mention free. I use it to play during my lunch hours at work (I'm not allowed to install anything on the work computer so this is perfect.

Please try em out, In my mind both are better than MWS.
l3irdUser is Offline
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12 May 2011 11:14 PM  
My favorite that is Mac based is Lackeyccg as well.. Poor no MWS support for Macs (Unless you get a parallel.. Really..) Otherwise I still want an awesome product that can do sealed/draft as well! The hardest thing about this game/any TCG Game is getting exposure to minimialistic market areas. It's the only way to grow the game, and online play is the first way to improve that =D.


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