/hero Amaxxi / Lands 4 [TOD] A Fiery Reunion {TOD} 3 [WBR] Warchief's Revenge {WBR} // Creatures 3 [TOD] Gollom Skybang {TOD} 4 [TOD] Gerwixicks {TOD} 4 [WBR] Sava'gin the Reckless {WBR} 4 [WBR] Ruby Flameblade {WBR} 4 [WBR] Trade Prince Gallywix {WBR} 4 [TOD] Dagax the Butcher {TOD} 3 Fel Flame 4 [WBR] Rosalyne von Erantor {WBR} 4 [TDP] Waz'luk {TDP} 4 [WBR] Onnekra Bloodfang {WBR} 3 [TOD] Obsidian Drudge {TOD} 2 [TOD] Abysswalker Rakax {TOD} 2 Maazhum // Spells 4 [WBR] Searing Pain {WBR} 4 [HOA] Life Tap {HOA} |