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WOW TCG Card Database **feedback**
Last Post 06 Jun 2011 02:33 PM by Mud. 25 Replies.
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pipUser is Offline

05 Mar 2011 11:38 PM  
Hello world!

You've been waiting, and we're pleased to announce the first run, limited beta of our new WOW TCG Card look up / database. We've put a lot of work into the database, and hope that it changes the way you look for cards and build your decks.

More information on how to use the database to it's fullest will come shortly, but for now just take a look around and see what you can do with it.

We'd love to hear what you have to say about it, the good, the bad, everything in between. This thread is to collect your feedback. You can speak directly to the developers here and we will try to incorporate reasonable feedback into future updates.

Thanks in advance!
-Phillip Martin
pheaverUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 12:54 AM  
My comments (mostly misplaced cards):
Cremate is shown under Shaman abilities.
The FOO Death Coil is shown under Core DK abilities.
Nexus Link is shown under Paladin abilities, and under Warlock abilities.
It would be nice when searching to have a "None" or "All" option for classes, and stick all of the generic abilities there, so Tuskarr Kite, etc., doesn't show up when searching for class abilities.
It would be awesome, albeit probably difficult to code, if you could choose a hero and say "what cards can I build a deck with for this hero?"
Also, a text version of the tool, from the OCR, would also be useful.

Thanks. This seems like a great tool: it's nice to be able to search and get dual-class abilities, and it's great to have current sets. Good work.

IrishUser is Offline

06 Mar 2011 05:49 AM  

Posted By pheaver on 05 Mar 2011 07:54 PM
My comments (mostly misplaced cards):
Cremate is shown under Shaman abilities.
The FOO Death Coil is shown under Core DK abilities.
Nexus Link is shown under Paladin abilities, and under Warlock abilities.
It would be nice when searching to have a "None" or "All" option for classes, and stick all of the generic abilities there, so Tuskarr Kite, etc., doesn't show up when searching for class abilities.
It would be awesome, albeit probably difficult to code, if you could choose a hero and say "what cards can I build a deck with for this hero?"
Also, a text version of the tool, from the OCR, would also be useful.

Thanks. This seems like a great tool: it's nice to be able to search and get dual-class abilities, and it's great to have current sets. Good work.


Thanks so much Paul for taking the time to give some feedback.

I've gone ahead and fixed the Cremate and Nexus Link class problems, the others may take a bit more work so I'll need to put those on the list of future improvments.

The Death Coil problem is related to the card name being used in multiple sets. I do have an idea to handle that better, but it will take a little effort to fix.

I like the None/All class filter option, and will definitely put that on the list for the future.

The hero selection idea, is good too and I don't think it would be too too difficult. We are tracking all the information required to do it, just needs a few new options in the filtering.

Not sure what you mean by the text version of the OCR, perhaps Pip could chime in on that.

We hope you get a lot of good use out of it, keep an eye out in the future for more improvements and features.
-James Hollister Web Developer
XeonioUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 09:03 AM  
Because I fail at reading threads, was gonna say it would be nice if you could search heroes via their tradeskill. I tested spec and it worked but keywords like skinning, mining, etc. didn't find anything.
nekoangelUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 09:46 AM  
i got one more little thing for you to take a look at.
i tried using it offline and its works great till i tried to type in the search bar while full screened.

basically most of the keyboard doesnt work at full screen for some reason, other than that ill tinker with it some more!
cardboardjesusUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 11:20 AM  
If only it worked with Linux. /cry
IrishUser is Offline

06 Mar 2011 03:48 PM  

Posted By Xeonio on 06 Mar 2011 04:03 AM
Because I fail at reading threads, was gonna say it would be nice if you could search heroes via their tradeskill. I tested spec and it worked but keywords like skinning, mining, etc. didn't find anything.

Right now the database isn't tracking subtypes or professions, but that is on the slate for the future. Ty for the input!
-James Hollister Web Developer
IrishUser is Offline

06 Mar 2011 03:50 PM  

Posted By cardboardjesus on 06 Mar 2011 06:20 AM
If only it worked with Linux. /cry

Yeah, right now Silverlight is only available on Windows and Mac. Sorry man. I bet you're used to it though :-/
-James Hollister Web Developer
IrishUser is Offline

06 Mar 2011 03:54 PM  

Posted By nekoangel on 06 Mar 2011 04:46 AM
i got one more little thing for you to take a look at.
i tried using it offline and its works great till i tried to type in the search bar while full screened.

basically most of the keyboard doesnt work at full screen for some reason, other than that ill tinker with it some more!

Looking into the full screen mode. I think there is a solution when running it offline, but not sure if I can get it to work when in full screen and running in the browser. Microsoft seems to have done that on purpose, as a security measure. I guess someone could create a malicious app that went full screen and then went transparent and collected all your keystrokes.
-James Hollister Web Developer
BloodorianUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 04:15 PM  
Favor of Acherus is shown as a palladin ability.
edit: it would be also cool to have a button that reset all the filters by one click.
edit2: Weapon mastery is with the rogue abilities
pheaverUser is Offline
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06 Mar 2011 06:28 PM  
Ignore the OCR thing: I never noticed the Details button had the text of the card. Sometimes the text on the picture was blurry.
Naxxramas loot isn't shown if you click the Core button.
Having the text search look into the card subtype line would be great. For example, if I select Rogue Equipment, and type in Dagger, I'd like to see all the daggers rogues could use.

__X__User is Offline
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07 Mar 2011 05:52 PM  
I really like it! Alchemist Stone is showing up as a Core Legal card. Adding a filter under Equipment to separate the different types of equip would be helpful.

Bracers of the Green Forest and Black Felsteel Bracers are also showing up as Core Legal.
XeonioUser is Offline
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08 Mar 2011 07:42 PM  
Skorn, Mistress of Shadow is coming up when you search Undead Hero Required. Not sure if you want us to report these discrepancies or not.
tacorrentiUser is Offline
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08 Mar 2011 11:52 PM  
My suggestions is - since you must login to use it - have a feature where we can add those cards we own. This way you can create one more search parameter called "my cards" to help people deckbuild with only those available to the if they want.
pipUser is Offline

09 Mar 2011 02:30 AM  

Posted By Xeonio on 08 Mar 2011 02:42 PM
Skorn, Mistress of Shadow is coming up when you search Undead Hero Required. Not sure if you want us to report these discrepancies or not.

Yes, please make a post anytime you see something out of order.

-Phillip Martin
kirkwbUser is Offline
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09 Mar 2011 05:34 PM  
I was looking at Death Knight Equipment and Abilities, then switched the filters to Paladin Equip and Abilities.

It flickered and re-loaded, but kept up Non-Paladin DK euqipment. I reloaded the entire screen and reset the filters from scratch and it loaded the paladin stuff OK.
WabukiSenseiUser is Offline
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11 Mar 2011 02:45 AM  
Bloodlust brooch appears as a core card. I'm still checking others. Great software by the way. I would argue that it's the best I've seen thus far.
pheaverUser is Offline
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11 Mar 2011 04:34 PM  
The reprints from the class starter (Bloodsoul, Shadowfiend, etc) do not show up on a Core search.

tacorrentiUser is Offline
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12 Mar 2011 12:47 AM  
This brings up a question(though admittedly this is probably not the right place). Reprints in Assault on Icecrown Raid. Are the core legal by virtue of being in the Raid Box, or just the new 30 loot cards?
pipUser is Offline

12 Mar 2011 08:55 PM  

Please continue to post issues you run into and we will fix them accordingly. We still have a few more to go, but the following is a quick list of what has been fixed today.

[Zi'mo] showing up as 2-cost

Many of the reprinted cards from the Class Starter were not showing up as Core legal. The same for Naxxramas treasure.

[Cremate] was listed under Shaman, [Favor of Acherus] as Paladin and [Weapon mastery] as Rogue

[Alchemist's Stone], [Bracers of the Green Fortress] and [Black Felsteel Bracers] were showing up as Core Legal.

[Skorn, Mistress of Shadow] had the incorrect card text.

[Askalti Darksteel] and other Scourge heroes were missing the deck building rules text.
-Phillip Martin
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