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Blog is Jacimo - Day 2 Thursday, June 23, 2011 That's a Wrap Sunday, June 19, 2011 Mini-update Thursday, June 16, 2011 Flyin' High Sunday, June 12, 2011 NACC-9 Days Thursday, June 09, 2011 We talkin' 'bout cactus! Wednesday, June 08, 2011
By JCF on
6/23/2011 12:05 AM
So I've just come off the back of another day at work. Crazy ideas were born to fruition in my mind's nest, feeding off of each other until only one bloated idea remained. I quickly passed this idea onto my associate Martin Clement, but we both agreed it was promising and worth looking into. Most people I talked to after Element's release agreed that there was very little in its crinkled foil boosters that would impact Core, at least not whilst the power house of Drums was still beating through the tournament scene. As such most of the guys I test with were caught completely off guard by the Egg deck, and now we know there won't be changes made prior to EUCC we're rushing for answers. We don't really think many good players will turn up with it, even with the short hand code for the graph paper. Those that do we'll be ready for, so we're just finding a deck that suits our playstyles rather than hard card tech. My favourite decks always draw lots of cards and/or create obscure card advantage (see...
By JCF on
6/21/2011 9:53 PM
Don't worry folks, this is not another post about some honky tonk come deck that demonises the game. I've got nothing more to say on the subject until Patrick Sullivan of GGSLive fame gives us the official CZE opinion. No no, instead I'm going to talk about my upcoming PPV event, the EUCC in Rimini. Having been forced to skip the World Cup due to store shenanigans I'm really looking forward to flopping some cards with the best Europe has to offer. I've completely forgone testing anything until now because I like to have a meta to play with, and I was slightly worried that with the Totem changes and a whole new set that I'd miss something fundamental whilst I was busy putting 4 [Dimzer the Prestidigitator] into [Searing Light] and Everlasting Barrage. I've spent today at work, but i've been busy grinding the idea gears none the less. The first thing I noticed was that players are really trying to stay off of Tuskarr Kite if they can, or if they're on it having other draw options. It's pretty sage...