Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
Written by:
5/9/2011 1:16 PM
Hi everyone! Daily Metagame would like to give everyone here a chance to get their voice out there in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game community. While we would like to publish everything we have submitted to us, it can sometimes be difficult to work this into our schedule.
As a solution to this problem, we wanted to introduce you to our latest feature: the Daily Metagame Blogging system.
Here's how it works:
-Create a blog here on this website. Go through the instructions presented to you. This lets you choose a name for your blog, describe what your blog will talk about (it doesn't always have to be about WoW TCG), and more. You can make your blog a private journal, syndicate it through RSS, and even link up your Twitter account to post when you add a new entry to your blog.
-Post on your blog! This is where you can speak your mind about pretty much anything. Please use judgment when I say that: when I say 'pretty much anything', I do not mean 'post links to horrible violent or sexual acts on Youtube'. Anything that obviously goes against our best interests like that will be a good way to get your blog deleted without notice.
-When posting on your blog, if you are talking about the WoW TCG, here's a helpful hint: You can add card pop-ups to your blog by bracketing card names ([cardname]). For example, If I wanted to talk about how annoying Hesriana was to play against, I could say: "Damnit, I want to play [Neptulon the Tide Hunter], but that dude gets hosed in a big way by [Hesriana]." ;)
-You can also include Tags to help categorize your blog. This is especially helpful if you make a lot of posts on your blog so that other readers can find content by what category they want to search for.
-When you finish a blog post, feel free to share it with your friends. Our blog has a link-up feature with Twitter which makes sharing these posts on your Twitter account very easy. You are also free to post links to your blog post on the
Daily Metagame Facebook page as long as it is related to WoW TCG in some way.
This is still a work-in-progress, so we'd love to hear your feedback. Share your thoughts on the blogging system with us in the comments for this post, or talk about the blog in our forums!
6 comment(s) so far...
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
Hi Mike
You say: "Create a blog here on this website", but how exactly do we do that?
I can't see any links or buttons anywhere?
By SeventhSun on
5/10/2011 5:39 AM
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
We're working on some issues with the permissions, to allow all registered users to be able to have their own blog.
We'll let you know when it gets fixed.
Thanks, James
By Irish on
5/10/2011 8:30 AM
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
I think we're all good to go now. Now if you're logged in under your account, you should see a Blogging section with the option to "Create My Blog", follow the prompts and you should be able to set yours up. After that you should have the option to add a blog post.
Let me know if you have any issues. James
By Irish on
5/15/2011 8:59 PM
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
I'm still confused, I don't see a create blog link anywhere on the site. Is it in the blog section, under my account, or somewhere else?
By speez on
5/16/2011 2:00 PM
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
same problem and my thought has fled
By awesomeniles on
5/16/2011 5:28 PM
Re: Welcome to the Daily Metagame Blogging System!
Oops, allowed the wrong type of user. Should be good now. It will be on the main blog page, in the left under "Blogging".
By Irish on
5/16/2011 7:30 PM