NACC-13 days
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6/4/2011 4:34 PM
These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity culminating in my move back to las vegas for the summer. Because I have been so busy, I haven't had much time to test. One of the few opportunities I did have was a three on three draft where my team was 0-9'Ed. This wasn't so bad as I actually learned quite a lot about the format. I drafted what I thought was a solid blue warrior. This was one of my favorite combinations in triple Worldbreaker, but a funny thing happened. It turns out that there are no decent warrior commons in WOE and when the draft is 2/3 of that set, then you'll have a hard time fielding a solid 30. going forward, I'll only move into warrior if I open a bomb in the first pack.
Things have settled down on the home front just in time for NACC prep. I'll definitely be updating the blog with some of my thoughts about the tournament and stories from the crazy weeks leading up to the tournament.