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NACC-30 days

May 17

Written by:
5/17/2011 8:58 PM  RssIcon

I moved back to California at the end of last year to get a change of pace and hopefully find some direction in life. because of this, most of my testing is done online on magic workstation(MWS). I'll usually jump on around 4:20. The players aren't always the best, but they usually(like 50% of the time) know how to play their deck. a good portion of my games end like this:

Dark_Kloud untaps his/her permanents
Dark_Kloud draws a card
Dark_Kloud plays a facedown card from Hand
Dark_Kloud taps facedown card
Dark_Kloud taps facedown card
Dark_Kloud taps facedown card
Dark_Kloud taps facedown card
Dark_Kloud plays Devouring Plague from Hand
AWESOMENILES taps Undercity
AWESOMENILES plays The Taste of Arcana from Hand
-Dark_Kloud- Shit
-System- Player Lost

Still, more end with my opponent proclaiming what an easy match-up my deck is and how they want to test for "reals". This seems to be the case more and more lately as people have been piloting a lot of rogue. both the red vorix list and stu's realm champs deck are solid. despite all of this I was able to get a solid 13 games in with the velindre deck I played at RCs.. I played against a jihan, three different vorix, an aggro worgen warrior, and a few other stock metagame lists. An interesting play came up against the warrior deck. I used a [wub's cursed hexblade] to steal [rolan phoenix]. If he pays the one, who gets him?

It looks like rogue is gonna be a big part of the metagame which is bad news for mage. I need to either find a solution with velindre or move to a different deck. I've been called an idiot noob enough for one week, so I'm gonna take some time away from MWS. my next few blogs will hopefully be more coherent as I introduce myself and figure out some things about the metagame.


Location: Blogs Parent Separator countdown

6 comment(s) so far...


Re: NACC-30 days

I love that you get called idiot noob on MWS; it's kind of like the universes way of keeping you grounded, since it would never happen in a DMF you where you are about 90% likely to make top 8.

Someone has to keep your head from getting swole, thank god for the internets.

I've enjoyed your first couple of posts and think this will make a very interesting series.

Next entry I'm going to say you write like an idiot noob to balance it out.

By kirkwb on   5/17/2011 10:06 PM

Re: NACC-30 days

Two things:

Stop net decking, noob.

If there are two replacement effects which trigger at the same time, the owner choices what to do. So in this case, I'm pretty sure the controller of Roland would be able to keep him in play.

Not sure if that is correct, but that is how I would rule it after a quick glance.

By pip on   5/17/2011 10:07 PM

Re: NACC-30 days

You (the Wub's player) gets the Roland.

"Even though Rolan's power triggers upon its destruction, that waiting triggered effect is not added to the chain until pre-priority processing, which would not occur until Wub's payment power has finished resolving and you put an ally with that name into play."

By kirkwb on   5/18/2011 8:37 AM

Re: NACC-30 days

That's what I figured. I left it up to the guy and he obviously said that HE got it back.

By awesomeniles on   5/18/2011 1:57 PM

Re: NACC-30 days

As an upstart rogue player I'm interested in why exactly you think/know that it's a bad match up for mage?

Between interrupts, spell suppression and mana sapphire, I find it kinda hard my version of Zorks beat the local mage.

By SeventhSun on   5/19/2011 10:30 PM

Re: NACC-30 days

right now rogue has the right amount of disruption to supplement both the red and blue aggressive strategies. poach, junkboxes needed, and to a lesser extent shuriken of negation allow these decks to sneak in their most important spells and create very quick clocks for you to work against. zorks on the other hand doesn't do this, allowing you to mitigate their hand disruption and find answers for their threats.. from what I've been encountering online, most rogue based strategies are leaning towards the aggressive end.

By awesomeniles on   5/20/2011 7:23 AM

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Re: Controlling the game
Not sure if you could help me or not, but I was intrigued into starting to play the game and being from Pitt, I was wondering if you know of any local places that would be friendly to a noob. I have been searching and can only really find a hobby shop on Liberty Ave. that does events, however, I do not feel anywhere near comfortable going to any sort of event yet. I am really just looking for a group or something that just looks to play casually. I am sure this is out of left field, but any advice you could offer would be extremely helpful.
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No bet, but I will play you for some dessert instead.
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I challenge you to a WotE 2 pack for cheese fries at Steak and Shake.
Re: NACC-30 days
right now rogue has the right amount of disruption to supplement both the red and blue aggressive strategies. poach, junkboxes needed, and to a lesser extent shuriken of negation allow these decks to sneak in their most important spells and create very quick clocks for you to work against. zorks on the other hand doesn't do this, allowing you to mitigate their hand disruption and find answers for their threats.. from what I've been encountering online, most rogue based strategies are leaning towards the aggressive end.
Re: NACC-30 days
As an upstart rogue player I'm interested in why exactly you think/know that it's a bad match up for mage?

Between interrupts, spell suppression and mana sapphire, I find it kinda hard my version of Zorks beat the local mage.
Re: Introduction to Me
I count the money that hopeless souls pay for insurance.
Re: NACC-30 days
That's what I figured. I left it up to the guy and he obviously said that HE got it back.
Re: NACC-30 days
You (the Wub's player) gets the Roland.

"Even though Rolan's power triggers upon its destruction, that waiting triggered effect is not added to the chain until pre-priority processing, which would not occur until Wub's payment power has finished resolving and you put an ally with that name into play."
Re: Introduction to Me
So what does one do with a degree in math? Bean counter?