WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!
Author: Created: 5/17/2011 1:46 PM RssIcon
My name is Kris Spisak, but I go by my nickname Speez. I've been an avid WoW TCG player since the game came out. My little piece of the internet will be about any WoW TCG related ideas that pop into my strange little head. Enjoy.
By speez on 6/7/2011 8:07 PM
While play testing on Saturday I stumbled into a humorous situation.  We had a deck laid out, but we just wanted to fit one more card in, but couldn't figure out what to take out.  After top minds came together...we couldn't figure out what to take out.  Then someone asked how many cards were in the deck, which was 60.  He said just go 61, it won't hurt.  Top minds agreed, 61 is fine. But then there was an pause, and I asked the question no WoW player ever dares asks.  "If 61 cards is acceptable for a deck, is a 62 card deck acceptable?"  Top minds went into overdrive.  "62 is too much!  The math gets worse at 62!  62 will cause you to get bad draws!  62 cards will ruin your credit score!"  (ok, maybe I made that last one up.) I just found it funny that 61 seems to be an acceptable but for some reason you go 62 and you just might as well throw the deck in the garbage, you just entered some strange zone where you aren't ever going to draw the cards you need.  I am no math major, numbers do tend to give me...
By speez on 5/17/2011 2:16 PM
Before I get into my little blog post, I guess I'll introduce myself.  My name is Kris Spisak, but I go by the nickname Speez.  I live in Pittsburgh where I hang out with a great little playgroup of people who not only love WoW TCG but just love all matters of gaming in general.  Though I never made a huge impact in higher level tournaments I did recently top 8 at the Azshara realm champs with a Sepirion the Poised deathrattle rush deck.  And yes you read that right, deathrattle rush.  :) Anyways, I've been noticing something newer or less experience players seem to fall into.  They lose control of the game they are playing.  What I mean by that is that either get overwhelmed or get intimidated by their opponents.  In doing so they make play mistakes or even forget effects of their own cards.  I am hoping to give some tips or advice to help take back control of the game. The first point comes before you even start playing.  Make sure you know what all your cards do.  I see people who make the mistake of either net decking or getting a deck from a buddy and not even knowing all the interactions in the deck.  It's never a good idea to go in a big tournament playing an unfamiliar deck.  Not even knowing the strengths and weakness of your own deck will lead you into rough situations which will cause you to lose control of the game.  Play a deck you are comfortable with.  It may not be the "best" deck but it is the best deck for you....

Recent Comments

Re: Controlling the game
Not sure if you could help me or not, but I was intrigued into starting to play the game and being from Pitt, I was wondering if you know of any local places that would be friendly to a noob. I have been searching and can only really find a hobby shop on Liberty Ave. that does events, however, I do not feel anywhere near comfortable going to any sort of event yet. I am really just looking for a group or something that just looks to play casually. I am sure this is out of left field, but any advice you could offer would be extremely helpful.