5/17/2011 12:06 AM
"Getting an up-close look at what Daniel Betancourt's got to say"
Famous Editor, Mike Rosenberg
In this blog I will be talking about my experiences with card games, mainly the World of Warcraft TCG. I have been playing games competitively for over 10 years and have had a lot of tournament experience. I plan on talking about many different aspects about the game, from actual playing to the mental games.
By DBetancourt on
6/14/2011 2:23 PM
I finished finals last week and have been able to play test ever since. Luckily my grades were pretty sweet, 2 As and a C in a graduate level math class.
The important thing is I've been able to play between 200 and 250 games of the Core format. Some of these games were pleasant, and some not (Workstation is always a struggle). I've played with and against dozens of different decks and have learned a lot from my friends.
One thing that is important to finding a good deck to play is having a good network; fortunately for me I have quite a few people I can talk to about what's good and what isn't.
One thing that I have learned for sure is that Vorix Zorbuzz is the deck to beat. It's got solid match-ups for the most part and is definitely capable of winning against nearly every other deck. It's a little late for advice about this, but you need to be able to at least compete with Zorbuzz.
Another important thing is to have some sort of card advantage outside of Tuskarr Kite....
By DBetancourt on
5/17/2011 1:39 AM
Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Betancourt and I like to game. I recently heard about this addition of blogs to the Daily Metagame and was extremely excited for it to go live. After constant pestering, my dream has finally come true. My goal with this is to bring good information to the masses.
For this first post I wanted to introduce myself and to hopefully get some feedback on what people are interested in.
Without further ado, here we go!
Daniel Betancourt was born in the February of 1990 and was a gamer from day 1. He quickly grew accustomed to playing card and board games at a young age and tore through all his competition. After beating his family at countless games of chess and war, he was no longer satisfied with savage beatings of his opponents. He was invincible and couldn't lose at his own house, so he had to venture elsewhere. Daniel approached his first would-be opponent, a modest looking boy roughly the same age as himself. "There is no way this kid can beat me, I am a master,"...