WoW TCG news, articles, decklists, and more!
Author: Created: 6/8/2011 4:48 AM
WoW, friends, life, random
By TheDaneEvent on 6/19/2011 1:03 AM
With NACC finished...
By TheDaneEvent on 6/16/2011 4:55 AM
Somehow managed to lose this entry to the nether twice. On tilt. Very short update. Apologies.
By TheDaneEvent on 6/12/2011 6:19 AM
Now a short distance away from my home island and very high over the Pacific Ocean en route to Las Vegas, I am unable to return my tray table to its original position, tucked away in a compartment under my armrest, as the gentleman next to me was gracious enough to show me. "No matter, I'll work around it," I said to myself. As a bonus, there's not much work to be done on an airplane alone, aside from your too-close neighbors and, in this case, my wonderful girlfriend who is a flight attendant for this very airline (Hawaiian, naturally), on this very flight (#18). That said, this stupid table is making me look--or at least feel--like one of those buffoons who has never traveled before and approaches every otherwise natural occurrence with clumsy suspicion. Thankfully I still remember how to use the seat belt and lavatory from my jet-setting days that were recent enough to still feel fresh in my mind. Another somewhat tilting thing is that I am seated in the bulkhead, directly behind the back wall of first...
By TheDaneEvent on 6/8/2011 8:08 PM
Video supplements for "We Talkin' 'Bout Cactus!"
By TheDaneEvent on 6/8/2011 5:42 AM

Recent Comments

Re: We talkin' 'bout cactus!
Re: We talkin' 'bout cactus!
No bet, but I will play you for some dessert instead.
Re: We talkin' 'bout cactus!
I challenge you to a WotE 2 pack for cheese fries at Steak and Shake.